Part 11

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I eventually told my mother  everything and the next morning we went to the police station where I saw that they already had arrested jade and Cindy but placed them in separate rooms with glass windows tears kept pouring from my now raw eyes as I was questioned over and over for hours then I was allowed to say goodbye to my parents and we where loaded into a bus and taken to the women's prison about two hours out of town Cindy, jade and I where not allowed to talk to each other that was a good thing as I had nothing to say to them neither did I want to, I didn't even want to see them after what had happened it made me sick to my stomach each time we had to be in the same area, apparently we each got a cell of our own as we weren't 18 years old yet even tho we were sent to the adult prison to wait out the court date.

Mr St clair:

Well jake I say as I step into Annie's hospital room, they got the people who did this to her, he jumps up.

Jake :

Who was it dad.

Mr St clair:

You not going to believe this but it was Cindy, jade and Britney from school the police said that Cindy and her two friend had been bullying poor Annie for the last two years and that when you came along Cindy had a thing for you but Annie was in the way so she decided to well kill Annie thank god our Annie here is strong and survived the attack.

Jake :

What the fuck and now what's going to happen to them I want them arrested and we will fight this that they get the hashes punishment I shout feeling my blood boil at the thought that I have some part to blame I take Annie's hand and hold it tight, I am so sorry Annie if I didn't come here this wouldn't have happened to you I say feeling my father's hand on my back.

Mr St Claire :

Son you not to blame for this those girls are to and I promise you that they will get what's coming to them apparently the two other girls are singing like birds but Cindy hasn't said a word nor does she show any remorse they have been sent to the women's prison and are awaiting the court date.


The next 3 weeks I don't leave Annie's side, today they stop her sedation and with any luck she will wake up soon I go out just to take a quick shower the doctor that is taking care of her has allowed me to use his office that has a bathroom in it once done I go down to the cafe and get some coffee and a pie to eat then head up to Annie's room.

Nurse jane

Right Mr St clair I have removed her drip so she should start waking up in a hours or so when she does please ring the bell so that we can get the doctor out to see her.


Yes mam I will do so I say and take a seat eating my pie, hospital food isn't great and once we get to go home I am making Annie a huge dinner full of veggies and a roast lamb, my mother thought me how to cook and now I will get to have the chance to spoil Annie. I take a sip of my coffee and a moan from Annie's almost has me chocking I quickly move to her side and take her hand, hey baby can you hear me and she moans again then starts to open her eyes.


Mmmmm mmmmmm I try to follow the echoing gentle voice but feel like the darkness is pulling me back in then the voice is back and I open my eyes but its all a blare I blink a few time and the sounds are so loud causing my head to ache.


I press the bell and the nurse come in with the doctor.

Nurse jane:

Please move aside sir so we can examine Annie the doctor shines a torch into Annie's eyes and he asks her her name.


Mmmm I try look away from the light it hurts my head and the new voice is so loud.


Miss can you tell me your name.


My mmm name is Annie I say and he leaves me alone jakes voice is next I hear him talking to the doctor but I can't understand what they talking about the pain is too much, please can I have some water my throat is dry I ask in a soft voice.

Nurse jane:

Yes miss let me pour you some can I give you anything for pain.


Mmmm please.jake comes over and takes my hand.


Hey baby girl how you doing I am right here I won't leave your side ever again, I am so sorry Annie I say as tears rolls once again down my cheeks.


Jake I lift my hand feeling very weak and touch his face he takes my hand and holds it on his face and cries kisses my hand. Jake it's not your fault I am sorry please don't cry I say as he lays his head next to me and I run my hand through his hair and whisper I love you Jake St clair.

Mr St clair:

Annie's was released a day ago and she was very happy to hear the news about me being her new Foster parent, Jake doesn't leave her side he tends to every needs our Annie has I even told him he should think about becoming a nurse he does such a good Jo and with her but that's not going to happen he isn't going to leave her side ever by the looks of it but that makes me happy that he has someone that keeps him well as for the three girls they were find guilty of conspiracy to murder and sentenced to life I think that is fare after what they did to Annie, Annie however wants to go see them once she is walking again even tho we have begged her not to but she want closure and wants to have the chance to forgive them face to face sweat girl even after all they did to her she still has it in her to forgive them but for now Annie and Jake are happy and I am sure things are just going to get better each day.

My name is AnnieDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora