Part 7

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Mr St Claire :

Son did you by chances hear about what happened today at school with Annie?


No. I saw her tho but not for long she was very upset after dropping her plant I got her as a gift for her birthday today, she ran out of school.

Mr St Clair:

Well there will be an investigation so keep an ear out and let me know what the talk around school is.


Why what do you mean by the investigation dad what happened?

Mr St Clair:

You said you saw her Jake did you not see her face was beaten and that she had a gash on the side of her head, that girl was attacked today by one or more of the students but won't talk she won't say a word and I have a feeling this has been going on for a while it's just escalated for some reason this last month.


What no I didn't she keeps her head down always, is she OK fuck I didn't know she was hurt I wouldn't have let her go if I knew she was and why do you say that this has been going on for a while now what makes you think that dad.

Mr St Clair:

No need for that language son, I know you care about her. Well a few weeks ago she had come into my class and her hair was cut all raggedy like someone had just taken a scissors and just cut away at it, all her long blond hair off.

Jake :

Why hasn't someone done anything to help her then dad, I take off ranting as I am very upset that My innocent Annie has been dealing with this on her own to frightened to tell anyone or ask for help, why would she keep this to herself. I leave the house and get into my car, I need to go for a drive to clam down I am so angry at the fact that someone would do that to her I could punch their heads off their shoulders right now if I only knew who they where I would drive there and hurt them very bad. My drive takes me to the mall and I decide to go in and walk around, I notice a necklace with a beautiful diamond in crusted rose pendant on it and I decide to purchase it for Annie she deserves something special to make her smile again after having the worst birthday today.

Annie :

After I left school I went to lay down on the old carpet on the floor next to my tub garden and just wept all day it was like there was so much emotion waiting to come out that I eventually cried myself to sleep, I woke around 16:00pm and decided to head home the way back was quiet now no traffic and that meant no one would see me. I reach the sad looking house that I live in and I suppose it fits me well the only place that doesn't represent my life and that brings joy and color is my garden, I look up at the night sky, God if you out there why did you create me, why did I have to have this kind of life am I just a sick joke are you also laughing at me, a warm tear escapes my eye and rolls down my cheek as I walk into the quiet house. No one is home they never are on weekends and that suits me well after today. I head to the kitchen exhausted with an aching body and make myself a cheese sandwich and head up to my room I don't bother taking a shower I just flop down on my bed and close my eyes but then I remembered that Jake had given me a note to look at and dig it out of my pocket .i open the neatly folded paper and it reads you should smile more it makes you even more beautiful then you already are with a big smiling face draw on it I can't help but smile and hold it to my chest as I now close my eyes to sleep.
Saturday morning I wake and the pain in my face a so much more worst, stiff and swollen I take a shower and leave the house to head to the river I spend sometime there collecting water to take back to the building once there I water the plants and sit with my sketch book but its proving to be hard to sketch today with my one eye swollen shut so I just decide to lay down and watch the clouds move by in the sky.

Jake :

I need to see Annie and I decide to take a drive pulling off the road I walk down the grassy path that leads to the old abandoned building where I know she will be, enter and walk up the staircase to the top where she lays on an old carpet her face is so swollen and bruised that she doesn't notice I am here. Annie I say and she jumps up frightened.


Jake what are you doing her I ask.

Jake :

I heard what happened that you got hurt and I needed to see if you where OK but you not you look like you in a lot of pain did you go to the doctors?

Annie :

I look back down ashamed of how I look and him looking at me, um no I didn't I stutter out under my breath, I am fine I say and walk to the railing and look over the valley.


I walk up next to her and lean over the railing. Standing next to her for a while just wanting to wrap my arms around her and hold her and tell her that I will keep her safe pains me inside as I know she wouldn't want that. Annie I say in a soft voice do you want to talk about what happened?


I shack my head sightly gesturing a no.


Annie I am here for you you can trust me I say, I can help but you need to tell me when you ready to OK. I place my hand in my shorts pocket and take out the small box and place in on the rail next to her, I think you deserve this I say as she turns to look at it and beside this one can't break I give a little giggle and a smile as she now faces me.


Oh Jake you mustn't nothing in my life is good please I am sorry about the gift yesterday I really am and I loved it so much but you can't be my friend and you can't buy me things please its best if you just leave me alone I say as tears roll down my face hearing myself say such unkind things it hurts me so much but its for the best nothing good will come from him being my friend, Cindy beat me up bad yesterday because of the gift Jake had given me what would she do if she knew he was friends with me or buying me more stuff, I just can't I don't have the strength not even my garden is making me feel better today I feel lost and more alone then ever, I run out down the stairs and onto the grassy path with Jake behind calling me to stop but I don't I just keep on going till he isn't calling anymore, I run into the house and shut the door and up to my room I lay down and sob wanting all the pain to disappear forever I cry myself to sleep once again. Sunday morning I don't even bother to get out of bed knowing that tomorrow in Monday makes me feel sick so I stay in bed just watching the shadows on my bedroom walls and resting not really thinking of anything but Jake and how his face changed to such a sad sight, I roll over and pull the covers over my head and sleep the rest of the day away.

My name is AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now