Part 8

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I knew she needed time so I decided to give it to her so for the next few weeks I kept my distance and just checked up on her now and then without her knowing, I also changed my classes so that I could be in some of hers, Cindy has been like a tail following me around, I think she has a crush on me but she just isn't what my Annie is and Annie is all I want. It's been hard to stay away but I know I might have been a tad bit overwhelming for her I just wish that soon she will see I will never hurt her.


I spent the last few weeks trying my best to go even more unnoticed and changed some of my routines like stopping at the bathroom in the morning before class and not using my lockers so that Cindy and her gang don't have a chance to get a hold of me again for what ever reason they might find to hurt me. The season has started changing and the leaves on the trees are now turning brown and orange, the mornings are cooler and the nights even more but I always say change brings something new like after a storm there's a rainbow. I miss Jakes little visits even thou I didn't really get to enjoy them I don't actually know why I miss the visits come to think of it, is this normal I wonder to my self and why do I miss him (note to self check what Google has to say).
I head to the library at break to do some research on a literacy project that was handed out and decide to check what my symptoms are. ( butterfly feeling in stomach when boy is around) search....
Search results... You might have a crush!!!
What the hell is a crush?
Search result.... You when you like someone a lot.
Really so I am love struck I palm slap myself, for someone so smart Annie you really have no clue I think to myself and how did this happen i wonder well its the first boy or should I say human that has ever paid me some attention so maybe it has something to do with that will have to research that later else I will be late for my last class, I rush off in a brisk walk and I am smack bang face to face with Cindy for the first time in weeks since the last time her and her friends beat me up.


And where you off to so quick little orphan I say and pull her by her ear into a quiet part of the corridor she battles to keep up and groans as I dig my nails into her ear. You stay away from Jake do you understand and I slap her hard in the face her cheeks immediately turn red when I say his name and I laugh, so you have a little crush do you ain't that sweet well let me just tell you something no one will even like or love you even your mother took one look at you and said to the nurse get rid of it, you ugly and fat little orphan Annie so best you just go somewhere dig a hole get into it and die I say and slap her hard again in the face but then the bell rings and students begin to fill the corridor. You got lucky this time little bitch I say as I yank her hair one more time before walking away.


tears threaten to flow from my eyes, her words where harsh and it hurt me very much I have always wondered what made my mother give me up maybe Cindy is right, maybe she though I was too ugly to be her daughter and hated me so much that she got rid of me.


Annie walks into class head down as usual but when she puts her hair behind her ear I notice her left side of her face is very red I quickly jump up and go over to her, Annie what happened?




Annie please who hurt you tell me I can stop it just let me help you.


I keep looking down, please Jake just leave me alone please you only going to make things harder for me I say as once again just the though of him wanting to help me and me having to be nasty hurts me and tears start to form, please just go away Jake I say in a low voice, just then the teacher enters the class and Jake smashes his fist hard down on my desk.

Mr Baldwin:

Mr St clair is everything in order is there some sort of issue I should know of?

Jake :

No sir everything is fine and dandy. I was so frustrated that I can't help Annie with what is going on I lost it for a second not thinking of how terrified Annie was the look on her face was of terror like a dear in the headlights, I never want to cause that look again, I am so sorry Annie I didn't mean to frighten you I say and walk back to my desk.

My name is AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now