Memory Problems

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Barry: You want to give me a perm?

Some, most people, facepalmed at Barry's statement.

Cisco: It's not for your hair, Steel Magnolia. This is for your brain, okay? I want to stop you from making new memories.

"Huh?" Joe asked, extremely confused, and glad to see that he wasn't the only one when he noticed Oliver, Dig, Iris, and Nora with the same confused looks on their faces.

Iris: What are you talking about?

Cisco: Savitar knows everything we're gonna do because he remembers doing it. He's a future Barry. So what if Barry can't remember what we're doing now?

"That's actually a pretty solid plan," Nora muttered while everyone else, for the most part, were nodding along.

Joe: You want to mess with his brain?

Cisco: Just a little bit. It's a minimal procedure. It'll still be the same Barry you know and love, except he just won't be able to retain new information.

"Why do I get the feeling that something's going to go wrong with this procedure?" Felicity asked.

Julian: There's two types of memory, Allen. Short-term and long-term. Long-term is where you

Cisco: Okay, Julian, just stop. This is my presentation; I'm the expert here. This is the part of your brain that retains new information before sending it to the cortex to be stored forever. So what if we block that chain with a magnetic disruption?

Iris: So Savitar won't be able to remember whatever strategy we come up with to defeat him.

Wally: Which means he can't be two steps ahead of us anymore.

Julian: With any luck, we'll actually put him one step behind.

Cisco: Beautiful. Cause and effect.

Iris: Barry, what do you think?

Barry: Let's do it.

Joe: Wait, wasn't Caitlin the expert on brains around here?

"Why is he speaking in past tense?" Caitlin nervously questioned.

"I think it's because, at this point, you were Killer Frost." Nora piped in.

Cisco: She was. But this is something we'll have to do without her.

Barry: I trust you.

Cisco: You won't feel a thing.

Julian: Okay, let's get this show on the road. The disrupter is attached to your hippocampus. So, it's ready.

Cisco: Okay, ready for zapping.

"Can we not call it that?" Iris and Joe groaned out.

Joe: Can we not call it "zapping"?

Cisco: Ready to activate. In three two one.

"Oh, no," Caitlin groaned, "you didn't account for his superspeed."

"What does that mean?" Nora nervously questioned. Barry and Iris pulled her into an embrace as Caitlin thought about how to word her answer.

"Well, it means that instead of blocking the chain and causing him to be unable to create new memories, he'll be unable to remember anything about his life, but I'm sure they'll be able to fix it so there's no need to panic!"

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