Not A Chapter. Sorry.

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Hey guys. 

I'm sorry about not posting in awhile. I'd planned to have something up last Friday, and then again yesterday but there have been some problems where I live with the internet and power, and now my computer is being weird. I'm going to try and get something up by the end of the week but I can't promise anything. I'd planned to have all of the previously planned chapters done and posted this week but it's looking like that won't happen. I promise that I'm doing my best and have NOT given up on continuing this story. Thank you all for your support and for reading this story that I started one weekend when I was bored at school and needed something to let out some steam. I'm sorry again for all of these problems and I hope that you are all doing okay with this pandemic. 

Stay safe. Stay happy. Know you are all loved. 

- athenaandposiden12

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