Chapter One The Secret

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Italics= flashback or thought
Normal= conversation or narrating
Flashback Adrien POV
Father and I got into an argument again because I didn't want to model for his company anymore. But unlike all the other arugemts he told me to leave and never come back.

I told my best friend Nino about my situation and he offered to let me stay at his house. I happily obliged. I packed my things and put them into the moving truck and drove to Nino's house.

End Of Flashback

"Hey Nino thanks again for letting me stay with you." I said. "It's no problem dude. I'm always happy to help." he told me.

"Hey Nino can you help me bring my things up to my new room please?" I ask. "Sure just let me do something first." he replies.

He ended up calling Alya and Marinette to come help. They both obliged and helped us until everything was inside if my new room.

Timeskip Brought To You By: Marinette's Love and adoration For Adrien/ Marinette POV

As soon as all of us were almost done helping Adrien move all of his belongings into Nino's house one of his suitcases opened.

There was a flourish of clothing followed by a loud thud. I stared at the clothes in shock.
There was a variety of blue, pink, purple, and many pastel colors. There were also many items that babies, and toddlers would use such as, bottles, sippy cups, pacifiers, pull-ups, diapers, and more.

I was stunned. It was good that everyone was inside of the house and weren't coming out soon. This is because I was tasked with getting the last box.

A-adrien is a-A LITTLE!?! Does he have a caregiver? Could I be his caregiver? Does he want one? How will I ask him? How will I tell him I know?

I-I'll just ask him. I can't procrastinate forever. This could possibly make our relationship stronger too. I hope that I can be his caregiver.No, no Marinette don't get your hopes up.'
These where the thoughts running through my Mind while I was quickly picking up Adrien's little stuff and putting it back into his suitcase. After I put Adrien's stuff into his suitcase I left it in his room and walked back down stairs to join my friends.

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