Chapter Seven:Waking Up And Embarrassment part two

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Adrien's POV
W-why am I at Marinette's house? What happened last night? I think before I suddenly remember everything. W-what!? Marinette is LADYBUG!?! Wait... SHE KNOWS I'M ADRIEN!!! Well... at least we know I guess.

   "Mmmmmm good morning princess" I hear a tired voice say.   I look down and see Marinette on her chaise lounge. "MARI!? Why'd you sleep down there?!?!" I ask her. She just smiles sweetly and tells me that she didn't want to wake me up after she got back from patrol.

   "You didn't have to do that. You could've woken me up" I tell her while climbing off of her bed.

She kissed me on the forehead and I smiled. "Soooo..." I say. "You're Ladybug?". She blushes ten shades darker and replies with a yes. I smile and hug her " Im so happy it was you". "Me too Chaton." She says as she hugs me back.

"We better get ready for school princess." she tells me. "Otay" I tell her while smiling, slipping into my headspace.

~time skip brought to you by Adrien being cute~

Marinette's POV
"Hey guys!" I hear in the distance. I turn around and see Alya and Nino jogging towards us. Adrien's smiles widely and waves happily. "Hey guys!" I say as soon as they reach us. "Hey Mari! Hey Adrien!" They tell us in unison. We all laugh and smile at each other.

Adrien runs up to Nino and hugs him while still in headspace. Nino smiles sweetly at him figuring out that he's little right now and ruffles his hair. "Hey princess how are you!" "Ihm goowd Nino!" A barley audible voice comes from Nino's chest where Adrien's head is buried.

Adrien looks up at Nino and smiles widely and Nino boops his nose while Adrien blushes and giggles sweetly. We all smile and Nino walks up to Alya and gives her a big hug too. "Hey baby!" "Hi Awya!" He tells her and starts to giggle.

"Hey Alya?" I ask her. "Yea?" "Should we skip school and just walk around town!" I ask her as she nods in approval. "It's probably not a good idea for Adrien to go to class in his headspace." She tells me as she ruffles his hair.

We start to walk off school grounds with each of our littles holding our hands. I look towards Nino and notice he's slipping into his headspace. Alya looks at me knowingly also noticing Nino's sudden change. "Baby boy?" Alya asks him. "Yes mommy?" He says with a curious expression plastered on his face. "Should we go home so you can play with Adrien and Marinette?". "Otay mommy!" He says and smiles as we start the walk to his house.

Miraculuous Ladybug Little Adrien and NinoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora