Chapter ten:A Sleepover and nocturnal babies

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Third POV

After everyone is done with getting ready for bad they all curl up on the couch to watch a movie. They all decided on Big Hero Six and started watching it under the mass of blankets, pillows and stuffies that the littles insisted on having with them.

After about an hour everyone was asleep except for Adrien. He was feeling bratty so he woke up Marc and Nino, who was now in his toddler headspace. Marc decided to go back to cuddling his daddy while Nino and Adrien went up to Nino's room to play.

They played with building blocks, dolls, and cars for hours before they decided to colour. Marinette woke up at about three in the morning to hear giggling from upstairs. She noticed that both littles were gone and started going up the stairs. When she got there she was met with a very messy room and two happy littles in the middle of it.

Marinette's POV
"So how long have you two monkeys been up?" I said and they instantly stopped giggling and looked at me. "U-um we wokes up ah eweben I finks" Nino says from behind his pacifier. "M sowwy mommy. I wanna haves fun so I woke ups Mawc an Nino. Mawc wents to bed buh we stayds up."

"That was very bad of you two. But since you told me the truth you can have ten minutes in the time out corner and then it's back to bed okay?" I got a 'yes momma' and a nod in response. "And Nino, I'm not going to tell mommy if you guys go to the corner right now." I tell him and he instantly scrambles to the corner with Adrien following closely.

After ten minutes they leave the corner and we all go downstairs. I put them both next to Alya to sleep so that I can go on patrol. When they're both asleep I go upstairs to get my purse. "Tikki you can come out now. It's time for patrol." Tikki comes barreling out of my bag and hugs my cheek proclaiming she missed me. "Tikki! Spots on!" I whisper yell before I transform.

After about an hour I see Chat Noir patrolling. I decide to sneak up on him. "Baby? Why are you out of bed? I told you to go back to bed." he jumps and spins around quickly. "I did sleep. I just woke up and decided to go on early morning patrol. Why are you patrolling? How long have you been up sweetheart?" He asks me. "I've been patrolling for about an hour and I was just about to head home. Let's patrol for another hour and then we can make breakfast for everyone if you want. Sound good?". "It's sounds puurfect M'lady" he tells me and kisses my cheek.

After we're done we head home and go through his window. We de-transform and walk down to the living room to see everyone still sleeping. I smile and we head to the kitchen to start cooking scrambled eggs and toast. "Mari when are we going to tell them about our identities?" he asks me and I freeze. "We can tell them when they wake up. But I have to tell you something first, Alya and Nino are Carapace and Rena Rouge. They know about each other but they don't know about us yet." he looks shocked but then smiles. "Should we tell Marc and Nathaniel too?" "Well, I was already going to give them each a miraculous so I think they should know." I tell h. "Which ones?" "Marc would have the goat and Nathaniel would have the rooster. They seem to fit them best and I know that I can trust them." he nods and we both get back to cooking.

"Morning guys." I hear from the doorway and turn to see a very tired Alya. "Hey! Breakfast should be ready soon. Can you wake up everyone else?" She nods and leaves to the living room. "Sweetheart you should go and get the miraculous box so you can give them their miraculous." "Yea you're right. I'll be right back! Don't burn anything!" I tell him with a smug look on my face. "That was one time! I didn't mean to!" he whines and I giggle, heading up the stairs.

When I come back I see everyone at the table and Adrien and I start to dish out breakfast. "Ok so Adrien and I have an announceme-" Congrats girl! When's the wedding? What's the gender?" Alya interrupts me and I glare at her playfully. "No Alya we haven't made any wedding plans and I'm not pregnant. But this is big news so are you two not in headspace?" I ask Marc and Nino and they both shake there heads no. "Okay so Alya, Nino should I tell Marc and Nath about green and orange yet?" I ask and they look at me dumbfounded. "YOU GUYS KNEW!?!?" they both say at the same time. "Well yea. I did give them to you guys after all." I say nonchalantly and they just stare at me. "WHAT!?!?! You- her- that's so cool!!!" They both say. I just nod and they give me permission to tell them.

"Okay so Marc, Nath, Aly and Nino are Carapace and Rena Rouge and Adrien and I are Ladybug and Chat Noir. It doesn't matter that you guys know because I trust you both and also, I'm giving you two each a miraculous. I've been thinking about this for a long time and you guys seem to be the most trust worthy besides these three. So, do you accept?" I ask them and look around the room. Apparently my speech shocked the so everyone's jaws were practically on the floor except for mine and Adrien's. We both giggle and Marc and Nathaniel nod and smile. I open the miracle box and give Alya and Nino there miraculous back and give Marc and Nathaniel there miraculous. "Also, Alya and Nino you two can keep them from now on." I tell them and they grin.

I call Tikki and Plagg over to come and say hi to the rest of the kwamis. After Marc and Nathaniel are introduced to their kwamis and Alya and Nino greet theirs, all the kwamis start to talk and visit. We eat breakfast and find out what foods that the other two kwamis like. Orkkio (rooster kwami) likes to eat  bread while Ziggy (goat kwami) likes to eat strawberries or strawberry desserts.

The kwamis want to visit all of the other ones in the miracle box so I put on all the miraculouses. Adrien just stared at me with his jaw slack, "H-how. Mari no one has ever been able to wear more than two without going insane! How are you wearing ALL of them!?" he asks as everyone's eyes slowly widen at the realization. "WHAT!?" they all yell except for Adrien. "Well it takes alot of stability and a strong moral compass and mind. I guess I have those." I answer.

They all softly smile and Alya says she's proud of me as I smile. "So anyone want to go on patrol tonight?" I ask and they all yell out a yes. I giggle and say ok as I gather all of the empty dishes from the table to wash.

For the rest of the day we just stay inside and watch movies, play games, and cuddle our littles who at the moment, aren't in headspace. I notice this and finally decide to announce it's time for patrol as it's eleven at night. "Guys it's time"

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