Chapter 5: Bloodshed

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     Me and Marx stood side by side as we sent our blades into the enemy line for the first time. I had Marx's back, and he had mine. We sliced through the dark grey wall of wither skeletons with skill we didn't know we had. But it was nowhere as close to the skill the A team around us had. The enemy army looked endless. I even tried jumping to see the end of it, but to no avail.

     Then we heard a male deep evil voice echo over the valley into everyone's ears. "Finally. The scales will tip in my favor, right about.. now." Then the sky darkened and lightning began fighting in the darkness.

     From that, hundreds of people with glowing white eyes, though some had different color eyes, hovered down from the dark clouds. All of them held a weapon of some kind. And we immediately felt outnumbered and overpowered. Most of the A team just looked up at the army in horror.

     Then from behind us I saw about a hundred more people fly in to face the others. They also had glowing eyes, but they were the good guys. People from both sides kept flying in until there were over a thousand. I was stunned by the amount of people there were hovering just beneath the clouds. Each side seemed to have an equal amount, and both sides looked equally determined to win. They all just stood around in the sky behind an invisible line, facing the enemy, waiting for further orders.

     After a few seconds of the most intense staring contest between the two sides, the leaders of each army hovered in front of their army and faced eachother. On our side was Crystal. She had a sword made of pure golden light. And on the opposing side was none other than Herobrine himself. He looked much meaner than the pictures I had seen in books. He had scars all up and down his body and a dark shade consumed him. In his hand was a sword of pure darkness, combating Crystal's sword perfectly.

     "I know how this ends Herobrine! Light always wins over darkness! Give up, or die!!" Crystal threatened. Herobrine only smirked.

     "You only say that because you know you will lose. Unlike you, I have no limits. I only grow stronger; You, you only grow weaker. I know you fear me because I killed Notch, and now you are left with pathetic low life descendants. Who believe they stand a chance simply because they can fly. I am ashamed to even call them of my blood. You may have courage, but you also have fear. And by the end of today I will finally show you that it is darkness which rules! Because I, will win!" Herobrine gave his speach. Crystal just stared hatefully at Herobrine with no thought towards his claims.

     "Charge!!!" Crystal then shouted, and her and her army flew towards the other army with intense speed and ferocity. Herobrine and his army hovered still in place. Finally, at the right time, Herobrine silently raised his empty hand, and his army charged past him while he kept his eyes set on his biggest threat there, his daughter.

     When the two armies collided, the sky erupted in flames, water, lightning, arrows, potions, and even dead bushes. It was impossible to follow just one of the soldiers. The sound of hundreds of swords clinging melded into one nightmare noise that sounded similar to static. The two who made the biggest ruckus were Herobrine and Crystal. Those two fought in the sky like there was no tomorrow. I watched as best I could, but wither skeletons kept reminding me that I was in the middle of trying to survive. Good thing me, Marx, and Buddy stayed as close together as we could. Buddy helped out by nibbling the skeletons' feet to destract them from me. Other than that there isn't really much a fox pup can do.

     After a while it seemed like the war was endless. The sky was littered with explosions and swords clashing while the floor was coated in wither skeletons and us people who couldn't fly away. Those on the A team who could fly left us normal people on the ground so they could fight Herobrine and his followers. It was insane just how many descendants of Herobrine there were. All my life I had known they existed and that there were quite a few, but not THIS many! I guess about seven hundred years after Herobrine had his first child it would make sense that there were so many. But still! It was a little overwhelming to see all of them at once fighting probably the worst bloodiest war this world has ever seen. People were dropping from the sky like rain almost. And I knew with all the withers down below that they would never get back up.

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