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      Your dad opens his eyes after he gets done with meditating, only to see you softly snoring while sitting.

'I might have pushed her too hard.' Your dad feels slightly bad but shakes his head to clear any feelings. 'She'll learn, she's a determined kid.' He looks up at the sky, the time looks to be only noon. Birds chatter amongst themselves and wind blows across the grass, cooling the both of you. Your dad breathes in happily, he almost never has calming moments like this, either feeling paranoid of attacks or taking care of your energetic self.

Your dad smiles softly at you, if only he could be here more often, he feels guilty. His baby girl growing up without him, he's sure your mom feels the same way. The two of your parents definitely cry together at night when reminiscing times spent together without worries of taking on missions. Now that your dad is an ANBU member and your mom a jōnin, your parents have to worry about living during missions.

Oh, your dad hopes your mother is doing good on her mission, what did she say it was this time? Assassination? Escorting? Spying? Your dad shakes his head at the thought, looking back at your peaceful slumbering form. At least he will be here for about a month, so he would be seeing you more often than before. Your dad silently thanks Uncle and then he slowly gets up from the ground, careful not to stretch his right leg and lower back too much.

He comes over to you and lightly 'boops' you on your nose. You snore loudly as a response. Yeah, he might have gone too far with training. Your dad squeezes your nose shut, and you open your eyes groggily, swatting the hand away. "What do you want?" You mutter lazily and close your eyes yet again.

Your dad calls your name, "Wake up, we're done with training." You nod off to sleep instead of waking, "You haven't had a 12 o'clock nap since you were a baby." Your dad thoughtfully says, thinking of the chubbier, younger you.

"Are you calling me a baby?" You open your tired eyes to glare at your dad, "If you are..." you couldn't think of a good comeback. Your dad waits, amused. You sit in silence for at least half a minute, before screeching loudly.


Your dad jumps at your sudden scream. After regaining his senses, he smacks you on your head and you shut up instantly. You open your eyes, fully alert.

"Be quiet, we're not in our house!" You stick your tongue out at your dad. "Unless..." your dad smiles with closed eyes, "You want that Uchiha boy to come over here again?" You hear a teasing tone in your dad's question.

You let out a growl and was about to pounce on your dad to fight him but instantly stop when you see another person just 10 meters away. You look at the boy, and the boy asks "What are you guys doing here?"

Your dad lightly chuckles, looking over to him, "We were just leaving if you want to train here."

You get up and kick your dad's calf lightly, and both of you walk away without another word to the gray-haired shinobi in training.

You find out its only afternoon.

"Pa, will you and mom join us for lunch today?" You ask, facing your dad. He looks at you, "I'll join. Not sure about your mom though." You nod, satisfied that your dad was joining you and Uncle for lunch, at least.

You two silently walk to your house, content with just looking at nature in its works.

When the two of you go into your house, the scent of freshly baked bread and soup hits you. You and your dad's stomach growl loudly together. You giggle and go into the kitchen to see Uncle stirring some of his famous soup.

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