Chapter Ten: The Filler

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        {Hey, guys, I guess this is going to be an author's note chapter somewhat? You can skip the first paragraph as it's just talking about my life (because I just need to rant I guess), or you can just not read the chapter in general. I'll update with Chapter Eleven sometime when I'm satisfied with how it looks.

Pk, uh, yeah.

So I graduated high school finally, and now I don't know what to do exactly, but I know I am not gonna go to college. I already had enough of that with the college class I took for a certificate/occupational endorsement. I think I'll hold off on getting educated for a few years then try going college, but, right now I am not sure what I'm going to be doing for my immediate future--as in the summer. I hope I get a job but McDonald's never answers my calls, ugh. I know I'll probably go into healthcare if I actually got my certificate though, so yeah. I guess state exam was pretty okay, I think I missed a few questions and skills, but luckily another state exam is coming in case I don't pass. Like I'll have the money though, so. Lately, I've been crying a lot, so I hope I stop because it's been annoying for me. I'm glad though because my beb has been with me every step of the way.

Pk, rant about my life over with, now I'm just going to tell y'all about the story or answer questions. Because, you know, this is a filler chapter. Aha. Did you know I haven't even actually watched or read Naruto that much--other than fanfics? I only know what I know because of fanfics. Well, I have watched Naruto, though only random episodes, I won't get into what I watched, I will tell you, though, that the episodes I watched weren't even in chronological order.


I got the idea for this story by a story plot generator online, you can actually access it by going to , so yeah. It's kind of like a, uh, thing for kids where you input nouns, verbs, actions, etc. Wait--it's called Mad Libs, wow, y'all can just expect me to forget the simplest of things.

Anyway, I got the idea of this story by going to that website and going to a romance section somewhere on that website, input random things like a pastry chef and whatnot, and out this story came. The result I got from the website is actually the description for this story, actually, because I am bad at making my own description, the only thing is that I edited my result. So I'm just going to be following the description as a plot, but adding my own twists, like the childhood scenes.

I loved writing those, but I wasn't supposed to start writing them until chapter six. My idiot self thought I was supposed to write it on chapter five, but I guess here we are now, with a filler chapter on number 10. Go idiot me. Yay.

I didn't think of putting childhood scenes in this story until number 3, so I was excited to write some Obito fluff, develop you as a reader, or give you a past to kind of work with. It was very nice writing those, they made me happy lol. Now that I think of it, I got my girlfriend into this story, so, if you're reading this right now, at least you aren't on the, what, the fourth chapter still. Lol. Ily.

I just realized this chapter is kind of like a diary in some weird way. Whatever, aha.

I guess now it's time for the questions since I talked a bit about this story. I mainly got questions from an online site, but thank you for asking anyway.


What is one place in the world you would like to visit one day?

I would really like to visit France, I really like how beautiful the language is, and also I know a bit of French because of Duolingo, so I wonder how it would be conversing verbally, what with my knowledge I obtained from the green owl. Je mange le petit enfants. Lmao, I love Dan and Phil.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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