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        You were starting to get worried now. It's been a week, maybe even two weeks. You miss Goggles. Where was he? Had he just up and left to go to another village? The last time you saw the Uchiha was when the team had finally met your weird self, as Obito put it.

You let out a sigh, and continue looking out the window, feeling cold seep in through the cracks.

It's been a while since it last rained this hard, you silently wonder if the weather was an omen or a blessing. Goodness knows the trees need rain once in a while, but something felt off. Maybe it was just your imagination. Your parents always said you had enough creativity to give to everyone in the village. You don't know what that means though.

You watch a group of children out in the rain wearing only boots to protect them from the water. Why wear regular clothes out in the attack of the rain if boots are the only rain gear used? What's the point of that exactly? Might as well use rain gear and sandals in sunny weather with that logic.

You quietly want to join the children. You might feel kind of awkward though, the children jumping in the puddles look about 7 years younger than you. Five-year-olds. Click. You mope for a bit, but turn your eyes to the door that was silently opening.

"Hey, you." Uncle chimes out, popping his head into your view. You stay staring at Uncle, to which he awkwardly shuffles more into your room. "Haven't been seeing you out of the room at all today, is there anything wrong?" Uncle asks, making himself comfortable by sitting on your bed. You glance out the window again.

"Do you remember the friend I told you about, uh, two, three weeks ago?" You murmur quietly, then close your eyes. Uncle probably nodded after you close your eyes, because he awkwardly fumbled with his words, "Yeah, yeah I remember, you. What about him?"

You muse for a moment. Raindrops plink against the glass; plink, plink, plink.

"Well, I met his team--who I said were my friends already, but I didn't meet them at the time." You blink a couple of times, then rub the back of your wrist against your eye. Dumb dust. You know it's not dust that's bothering your eye though.

Uncle patiently waits for you to continue, sitting there on your bed, almost statue-like. You stop staring at him, instead, pulling your gaze to the children who are now playing tag. You wonder how fast Obito is and if you would be able to catch him.

You remember to talk again, "Well, I kind of have a feeling. Assuming is bad, yeah--you and Ma and Pa tell me that every day, but I can't help but get second thoughts." You take a deep breath, you surely need it. You let out a tiny hiccup."What if his teammates told him to stay away from me, I didn't make a good first impression with them, so it's possible.

"I just want to have friends. Obito was fun--he seemed to tolerate me, at least. I don't know what's going on, I haven't been seeing Goggles at the training fields--and that's where we see each other the most. I wonder if he's avoiding me. I just wish I hadn't made a bad first impression."

Uncle makes a grim facial expression, you know he's kind of bad with words. Or feelings. You feel slightly better anyway, now that you let your feelings out. Uncle finally chose his words, "What if he's on a mission?" You wonder how Uncle knows Obito's a shinobi. You ask.

"Well, for starters, regular civilians don't usually go over to the training fields--" You give him a pointed look, you're a civilian, "--hey I said regular, you. Secondly, I think I know who you're talking about. Black hair, orange goggles, hitai-ate, weird looking smile?" Uncle asks, and you nod for confirmation, a little dazed at how Uncle even knows Obito's appearance. Well, except for the smile--you think it's cute rather than weird. If not cute, then quirky.

"I've seen you talking with him and his team over at the block party a while ago, you. Don't think I'm not observant too." Uncle chuckles. You let out a little smile of your own. At least Uncle didn't, like, go stalker mode on you. That would just be creepy. You mumble, "That rhymed."

Uncle lets a guffaw of laughter out, "There's more rhyming where that came from, you. Wanna have a rapping contest? I will go easy on you." Uncle challenges, eyeing you with a sparkle. You grin, "Not even, old man! I will definitely win--so that means that I will have to go easy on you, not the other way around!" You two stand up, and you think for a second, "You go first, I'll start up a beat." You suggest, wondering if Uncle would actually go through with rapping.

Before you actually find out though, your mom calls out, "I'm home!" Your eyes widen. It's getting rarer and rarer to see her with all the missions she's been going on--so you obviously will go to see her! Sorry Uncle, but your bad rapping will come later!

Before anyone can say "Cheeseballs," you bound out of the door, out of the hallway, and crash into your mom. "Hey, Maaaaa!" You happily yip and your mom rolls her eyes, somehow it feels affectionate. You grin in response and just nuzzle yourself into your mom's arms if that was even possible.

"What's all the ruckus--Oh hey Ma." Your dad greets. You found it a bit weird for your parents to call each other Pa and Ma, though you just guess it was for your sake. Uncle even calls the two that. You swat the thoughts away, instead, relishing the feeling of your mom's arms around you. Jee, you sure miss your mom being around.

Your parents talk with each other and Uncle walks into the room now, calling your name, "Hey I thought we were going to have a rapping contest, you!" You nod your head no, denying him. Uncle continues, "And I was going to beat you, you." You only let out a giggle in response.

Your dad and mom look at Uncle in a deadpan sort of way. "You wouldn't have won, your rhyming sucks too much," your mom chides in a teasing tone. Your dad then smiles, "Yeah, yeah!" Uncle lets out a "Hey!" defensively. You only grin, your dad would be a great cheerleader for your mom, always backing her up.

You apparently said this out loud, because your dad quickly turns his head to you. You let out a smile, "Haha?" You tried, then yelp when he started coming towards you. You laugh, then run out of his oncoming hand. Your dad calls after you, "Get back here!" You laugh and run around the house. Uncle is snapped out of his slight stupor, then grins, wanting to join the chase. "Pa! I'll get you!"

Your house is lively, and your mom just stands there, staring at her brother, husband, and child running after each other. You had found a reason to chase Uncle, your Uncle chasing your dad, and your dad chasing you. Your mom grins, a bit nostalgic. She missed this, so much. At least she is able to see her family still.

After a while of you all settle down and you feel better than earlier. Way better. The four of you sit at the table in the dining room, just enjoying each others company. Your mom silently reads a novel, your dad admiring your mom, Uncle playing a board game with you. You let out a "Yip!" as you win yet again. Uncle grins, "I was only going easy, you! Let's play again--I'll totally beat you." You take the bait and you two are playing the game yet again. It's a close game, but Uncle wins this time. You snigger. Uncle looks at you, "Wanna fight, I'll pulverize you!" "Not if I pulverize you first, old man!"

"Kids, not at the big people's table. Go out in the rain or something." Your mom warns, Uncle pouts at being called a kid and you snigger yet again. Uncle mumbles that he's only three years apart from your mom, but you just whisper "Kid." under your breath and snigger yet again. Uncle rubs his knuckles on the top of your head, and you swat your arms lazily, "Hey, hey--don't mess my hair up you old kid!" You jibe, and Uncle noogies you harder, "I'm still your elder--respeck me!"

"Respeck?" You grin, and repeat the word, poking him each time you repeat the word. "Respeck, respeck, respeck, respeck. Respeck!" You yell out the last word, punching softly at Uncles' gut and he lets out an 'Oof'.

He halfheartedly glares at you while your parents jump at your shriek. You let out a bout of laughter and the both of your parents 'thonk' you on your head where Uncle noogied you. You pout and look away. Uncle laughs at your demise and everyone at the table joins in, you letting out a grin.

You may miss Obito, but you're glad your family has your back. You could only hope Obito could come back so you can bother him some more.

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