Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Brooke’s POV

 “Brooke, Brooke, wake up.” I hear Paige whisper in my ear. I open my eyes slowly and see that Paige is already dressed.

 “Why are you wearing my shirt?”

 “I don’t know, I like it, it’s pretty”

 “I know, I bought it,” I say getting out of bed. I slowly walk over to my bathroom and get in the shower.

 When I get out of the shower, I walk into my room, with my favorite purple towel on, and head over to my closet. I find a pair of white booty shorts, and I grab a purple tank top. I go to my dresser and get an orange sports bra, and walk back to my closet to snatch my school sweat shirt. After I put all my clothes on I grab my phone and wallet. I put my wallet in my sweat shirt pocket and turn on my phone. I have a text.

 Brandon: Want a ride to dance?

 Brooke: Sure

 Brandon: Be there in five. Look pretty ;)

 I smile and put my phone in the back pocket of my shorts. I walk into my kitchen and take an apple. I run back up to my room and quickly put on some mascara. I take a bite out of my apple before I hear a honk from outside. I smile and put on my black flip flops and pick up my dance bag. I run out the door and hop into Brandon’s car.

 “Hey,” I say. I peck him on the lips and smile at him.

 “Brooke, what happened to your wrist?” Brandon says, gripping my wrist. I flinch from pain and just notice that I have a dark blue and purple bruise all around my wrist. I probably have a matching bruise on my ankle and all up my back.

 “Oh, that’s from yesterday.”

 “What happened yesterday?”

 “I fell off the side of my house.”

 “When you went to come meet me at the coffee shop?”

 “No, when I was going back up. I misplaced my hand, it’s fine, I’m fine.” He nods but doesn’t look sure. When we get to the studio, Brandon and I walk in hand in hand. I go to the bathroom to put on my dance clothes. When  I come back out I head into studio A and see Abby waiting for everyone to come in.

 “Brooke, start warming up.”

 I nod and turn around.

 “Brooke, what the hell did you do to your back?”

 “I, um, fell.” I wasn’t completely lying, I guess.

  “How did you fall and get you back to look like that?”

 I look in the mirror, and see that my back is dark purple with blue spots all over it. There are also a bunch of small, but deep cuts. I make a gross face at myself and say. “I didn’t think it would look this bad.”

 “What did you do?”

 “Can’t say,”

 “Why not?”

 “Cause my mom can find out,”

 “I won’t tell her, just tell me what you did.”

 “I fell off the side of my house,”

 “Why were you on the side of your house?”

 “Because I needed to get back in my room, without my parents finding out I sneaked out, and I locked my bedroom door.”

 Abby nods and says. “Can you dance?”

 “I have no idea.”

 “Well, you better be able to.”

 I nod and try to warm up, but my ankle hurts when I do turns and when I try to do a handstand, I fall, from the pain in my wrist. As I collapse to the ground, I hit my head on the floor, and all the girls and Abby look at me shocked. A single tear falls from my eye and I get up.

 “Brooke, are you okay?” Maddie asks me.

 “I’m fine,”

 “Are you sure?” Chloe asks.


 “It sounded like a hard fall, are you really sure?” Abby says.

 “I said I’m fine!” I snap at them and walk out of the room. I pick up my sweat shirt and phone. I walk out of the building and sit by the tree Brandon and I were sitting at yesterday. I look at the building I was just in and start crying. I put my head in my hands and sob. After ten minutes, I’m still sobbing. I wipe my tears away and get up. I walk down the road for about forty minutes before I’m at my house. I walk in and run to my room. I slam the door shut, and lock it. I start sobbing again. I don’t even know why I’m crying, I just can’t stop. I scream and hit my fist against the wall. I start crying even harder and rest my forehead on the wall.

 “Why, just why?” I mumble.

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