Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Brooke’s POV

 “I’d like to meet her,” I tell Blake. He nods and says.

 “She should be home soon.” I nod and smile at him, he smiles back and ask me if I would like anything to drink.

 “Can I just have some water please?”

 “Of course,” He says and walks into the kitchen. As Blake hands me a glass of water, the door opens and a little girl comes running in. She has a purple backpack on and a pink sweater. She has her blonde hair in two side ponytails with orange ribbons in them. She runs up to Blake and hugs him. Blake hugs her back and picks her up. He swings her around a little bit and puts her back on the ground. She starts laughing, but stops when she sees me. She stands behind Blake holding onto his legs and peers around them to look at me. “Faith, this is Brooke, say hi.”

 From behind Blake’s leg she says hi, quietly. I laugh a little and say. “Hi, I’m Brooke, what’s your name sweetie?”

 “Faith,” She says.

 “She’s shy,” Blake says.

 “No, I’m not.” She says.

 “Then why won’t you say hi?”

 “Cause,” She says.

 “Exactly,” Blake says and walks over to me and sits beside me. Faith stands there staring at us for a few minutes before going over to Blake and sitting on his lap. She looks at him for a few minutes before saying. “Can we go to the park?”

 “Um, Brooke, do you want to go?”

 “Well, I should be heading home soon anyway, my phone broke and neither of my parents have any clue of where I am. So, I’ll, um… see you later.” I say while walking towards the door. Blake picks up Faith and carries her over towards the door.

 “Then let me walk you home.”

 “Blake, I live two minutes away, I can walk by myself.”


 “Fine,” I say, while putting on my white flip flops. Blake opens the door and yells up to Mason. “Mason, I’m taking Faith to the park.”

 “Okay,” He yells back.

 I walk out of the door and Blake follows, balancing Faith on his hip. I walk down the street with Blake following behind me and Faith pointing out every animal she sees. When I get to my door I turn around and face Blake.

 “So, I’ll, um… see you later, I guess.” I say.

 “I’ll see you later, Brooke.” He says. I kiss his cheek and open my door. I walk into my house and sigh. Why are they all ways the guys I meet?

 After about an hour of sitting in my room, I hear my door open. I hear feet running up the stairs and then my door bursts open. I see Paige looking shocked in my door way. She comes into my room and sits on my bed beside my feet. I take out my headphones and look at her.

 “You’re quitting?”

 “Yeah, I just need a break.”

 “Why so you can see Brandon more?” Paige asks me teasingly.

 “No, we um, broke up today.”

 “That’s why you’re quitting?”

 “No, no, I quit before we broke up.” I tell her.

 “Then why are you quitting?”

 “I just can’t keep up with everything going on and I need a break.”

 She nods and hugs me. “I’ll love you no matter what you do.”

 “I’ll love you too.” I tell her wrapping my arms around her. “I love you.”

 It’s been a few weeks since I quit dance, and I honestly miss it. It’s been a few weeks since Brandon and I broke up, and I honestly miss him. It’s been a few weeks since I broke my phone, and I honestly don’t miss it, I like my new one more. In the few weeks I haven’t done much, really. I’ve hung out with Blake, Mason and Faith more. Faith will actually talk to me now. But, I’m just bored out of my mind. I want to go back to dance, but I really don’t. I miss so much, but I don’t miss it. Well, I guess it’s better than sitting in my room, all day and all night. I think getting off of my bed and grabbing my wallet. I walk over to my dresser and take my pink sunglasses off of it. I put in my ear buds as I am running down the stairs and scroll through the songs on my phone. I put on my white sandals and walk out of the door and down the street. After about forty minutes of slowly walking, I arrive at the studio. I walk in the door and ask where Abby is. The lady behind the desk tells me that she is teaching the elite team in studio A. I thank her and walk to studio A. “It’s now or never,” I mumble to myself and push the door open.

 “Brooke!” The other girls scream and come hug me. I smile lightly at them and they move away from me and start asking questions. “Girls!” Abby screams, and all the girls quiet down and go back to stand in there spots.

 “Brooke, why are you here, today?” Abby asks me.

 “Well, I was wondering, if I could come back and dance again.”

 All the girls look at Abby hopefully and Abby nods. “I figured that you would want to come back, but I don’t think that you really do.” I nod and Abby continues. “I thought that you would have come back sooner,” I nod. “You would need to prove yourself if you really wanted to come back and dance.” I nod and Abby says. “So, are you up for a challenge?”

 “When am I not?” I ask her. She smiles at me and says.

 “Solo, you must win first, and I mean in the overalls.” I nod. “And, you will have a trio, must be in the top five.” I nod again. “Duet, top three,” I nod at her, wondering what else I must do. “Group dance, you, and I mean you, have to pull it off.” I nod wondering how much more there could be. “And, another solo, top five of you age division.” I nod again. “And, it’s all going to happen this weekend.” She tells me smiling at me. I smile back at her, even though in my head, I am very doubtful. How am I supposed to learn five dances in two days? And perfect them? And get in the overalls, top five, top three, first, and then first in my age division? I can hardly even remember what dances I need to do. “Okay, we are doing the group right now. After this we will do your first solo, then the next one. Then we are doing Maddie’s solo, then Chloe’s, then Paige and Maddie’s duet, then we will do your duet, I don’t know who it is with yet, but anyway, then your trio, I don’t know who that’s with either, and then you can break for five, then we will have a private and do all the dances again, okay?”

 I smirk at her and take off my sunglasses, then say. “Of course,”

Okay, so there it is, I skipped a ton of homework but it’s not that important, just language. Anyway, tell me what you think! Hope you like it. Faith is in the side bar.

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