chapter 2

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Aziraphale was just about to open his bookshop when Crowley knocked on the door.
"Hello Angel" Crowley said casually, causing a few onlookers to smile to themselves.
"Hello Crowley dear" Aziraphale replied sweetly "Come in, would you like anything? Food? A hot cocoa?"
"No thanks, I'm not hungry."
"Well, ok, what about a coffee?"
"Aziraphale, you don't drink coffee, you don't have any here"
"Well, actually, I knew that you like coffee, so I bought some the other day."
Crowley felt his face flush at the thought of the Angel buying something for him.
"Well, uh, ok then" The demon said slowly.
"Excellent! Sugar? Milk?" Aziraphale said enthusiastically
"Um, no, just black thanks"
"Ok then"
Aziraphale went to the kitchen and boiled the kettle, and made Crowley's coffee before sitting down with him.
"So, how are you this morning?" Asked Aziraphale, sipping his hot cocoa that he made for himself.
"Oh, you know, same as usual" Crowley answered with a slight smile.
"You don't have to wear them when we're alone you know" Aziraphale said in the softest way possible, "personally I don't know why you want to hide your eyes"
"People would get freaked out if I just walked around with yellow eyes and slits for pupils"
"Well, I for one think that they're quite beautiful" Aziraphale said as he leaned forward to take the dark glasses off the demon's eyes. They looked at each other for a while, both their cheeks a soft shade of pink.
"Do you want to go visit Anathema?" Aziraphale after a while.


Crowley knocked on Anathema's cottage door and after a minute, it opened, but it was not Anathema who answered, it was Newt.
"Oh hello, come in!" He said before turning around and shouting "Anathema, Crowley and Aziraphale are here!"
And they heard an answering shout of "Ok, I'll make two more then!"
"She's making ham sandwiches for lunch." Newt explained as the three of them walked down the hall.


After a nice lunch of ham sandwiches, Crowley and Aziraphale had a nice relaxing afternoon sitting at their usual park bench and chatting about stuff.

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