chapter 4

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Crowley and Aziraphale had finally finished taking everything to the bookshop by 9:00 pm. The only problem was, he hadn't set up his bed yet so he didn't have anywhere to sleep.
"Sooo," he said, "where do I sleep?"
Aziraphale looked a bit confused before saying,
"I'm not sure, you could have a mattress on the floor, or..." he paused. "It's going to be cold tonight, and I have a king sized bed..."
"What are you implying Angel?" Crowley asked.
"Well... you could sleep in my bed..."
"But where would you sleep?"
"In my bed... It wouldn't mean anything, Just for tonight before we get your bed set up."
"Umm, ok then"
They both blushed.


They got into bed on opposite sides, and stayed there.
"I'm so stupid!" Crowley thought,  "why did I have to go and sleep with the man I have feelings for? I mean, I know we are just sleeping, and it's only for one night, but still..."
He heard deep and heavy breathing and rolled over to see Aziraphale asleep on the other side of the bed. He was so cute when he was asleep!
How could Aziraphale just offer to sleep in the same bed as him and think nothing of it.


Aziraphale awoke in the morning in the middle of the bed. Absent mindedly, he reached his hand over to the side Crowley was on. But he wasn't there. He had loved the demon as a friend for 6000 years now, though it had never occurred to him that he had loved him as more than that until now. He got out of bed and headed out to the kitchen where he found Crowley frying eggs and bacon.
"Good morning Angel" he said, turning around,
"Good morning, I thought you didn't like cooking." Aziraphale said.
"I don't really, I just thought that maybe, just this once, I could be nice."
"Oh how sweet"
"How do you like your eggs?"
"Oh, I don't mind, however you like them."
When breakfast was cooked, Crowley made himself a black coffee, and made Aziraphale a hot cocoa with extra marshmallows.
They sat down together and when they finished Aziraphale went to open the bookshop.
"I wonder if you could help me with the shop?" The angel suggested.
"Yeah sure, I can help" Said the demon.
"Just, maybe, try to be nice to the people..."
"Ok, I'll be as nice as I can"
"Thank you dear"

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