chapter 3

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Crowley and Aziraphale sat on the park bench looking at the river and feeding the ducks.
"You know, I've been thinking," Aziraphale said thoughtfull.
"Sounds like trouble" Said Crowley, smirking.
"Don't you ever get bored sitting around at your apartment?" Asked Aziraphale.
"Well then, why don't you move in with me? I have a couple of spare rooms"
"I- wha- um..." Crowley blushed
"I-I don't know, what about the plants?"
Aziraphale chuckled
"Oh they can come too! Unless you don't want to, that's fine if you don't, it was just a suggestion."
"No no, it would be great!" Crowley said quickly his face now bright red.
"Excellent!" Aziraphale said enthusiastically, "Would you like me to help you pack?"
"Umm, sure." Said the demon, happily.


Aziraphale went with Crowley to his apartment and they spent the rest of the afternoon packing all his stuff in to boxes to bring to the Angel's bookshop. Crowley went back and forth in his beloved Bentley taking the boxes. By sunset they had taken everything but the plants so they walked into the room to get them.
"Oh! What beautiful plants you have!" Aziraphale said as he walked up to one. "Hello there little plant! You are very beautiful!"
"NO!" Shouted Crowley, "Don't be nice!"
"Why not?"
Crowley looked a bit embarrassed before he said, "Because the only way I can get them looking that good is to yell at them."
"Oh, I don't think that's true, maybe all they need is a bit of love."
"That's easy for you to say, you're an angel. You're supposed to be nice."
"Oh I know for a fact you can be nice to Crowley, you are very nice to me."
"Ok then, I'll try." Crowley grumbled and they set to work on transporting the plants to the bookshop..

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