chapter 11

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Crowley was with Anathema and Newt, getting ready in their spare room. He was super nervous, even though there would be hardly anyone there. What if Aziraphale didn't like his light coloured suit? What if he stuttered when he was saying his vows? He took a deep breath and forced those thoughts to leave his head.
'Everything is going to be fine' he told himself. There was a knock on the door.
"You almost done in there? We have to go soon." Called Newt. "Anathema's gone to pick up Aziraphale."
"Yep, coming!" Crowley answered as he quickly fixed up his collar, took another deep breath, one more look in the mirror, and walked out the door.


Aziraphale was changing in his bedroom, absolutely terrified. He knew it would all go well, but there was one little voice in his head telling him that Crowley wouldn't like the black suit he'd chosen. There was a knock on the the door. Aziraphale fixed up his collar, took a deep breath, one more look in the mirror, and walked out to see who was at the door.
"Hello Anathema!" He said as he opened the front door.
"Hello, oh, don't worry, everything will be fine." Said Anathema who saw how badly he was shaking.
"How long do we have until we need to go?" Asked the Angel.
"about fifteen minutes."
"Would there be time to have a small glass of wine first?"
"Yeah, but don't have too much, you want to enjoy yourself." So they went inside and had a bit of red wine to soothe his nerves.


Crowley was standing next to Anathema (who would be marrying them). The them were sitting on the grass chatting and smiling. And then Newt turned on the record player and started playing the wedding march and Crowley turned to see Aziraphale walking up the aisle. The them started clapping and smiling. When he reached Crowley, they joined hands in front of Anathema. And she started talking.
"We are gathered here today to celebrate these two very lovely men declaring there everlasting love for eachother blah blah blah.
Anthony J. Crowley. Do you take Aziraphale to be your lawful wedded husband?"
"I do"
"Aziraphale. Do you take Anthony J. Crowley to be your lawful wedded husband?"
"I do"
"Good. I now pronounce you husband, and husband. You may kiss"
They lent in to close the gap between them and found themselves being showered with confetti by the them. They broke apart and smiled at eachother. Smiled at their new husbands.


They turned up at the Ritz, finding it completely empty since they had booked it about two months ago. "Hello" said a man in a suit, standing by the door. "You must be Crowley and Aziraphale. Congratulations on the wedding!"
"Why thank you" said Aziraphale with a warm smile.
"You can take a seat anywhere you like, and we'll have someone come to take your order"
He walked off to the kitchen and They chose three tables and all sat down. Adam looked around a bit before saying, "This place looks really fancy! Do we get alcohol?"
"Adam you are only thirteen. You're not old enough. And besides. We'd have to ask your parents." Said Aziraphale.
"Oh come on! Where's the fun in that? One glass can't hurt." Said Crowley.
"Well ok. Just one glass." Aziraphale said after a fair bit of thought.
A young woman turned up to take their orders about two minutes later, and they ended up getting a glass of champagne for each of the them. They ate and talked and drank until about 10:00 pm, when they decided that they should probably go home. Anathema and Newt drove the them home (some how fitting the four kids into the back seat) and Crowley and Aziraphale drove home in the bently.


They lay in bed about an hour later holding eachother in their arms.
"Guess what." Crowley said, smiling.
"What?" Aziraphale asked.
"We're married"
"I could get used to this."
They smiled at eachother before kissing again. Crowley eventually reaching up to unbutton Aziraphale's pajama shirt.

And I think you can understand what happened next, though I don't think I would be very good at writing those kinds of scenes so I'll leave it there.

Sorry the story was only 11 chapters long but I hoped you enjoyed it anyway!
Thats it.  :)

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