chapter 7

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Crowley woke up the next morning with a horrible headache, and found himself curled up in a ball with Aziraphale's arms rapped around him. He couldn't remember anything from last night since they poured their first glass of wine.
"Angel" he said softly.
Aziraphale shifted slightly but didn't wake up.
"Angel" he repeated.
"Mmm?" Replied Aziraphale.
"What happened last night?"
"Yoyos are stupid." The Angel said before going back to sleep.
"What do you mean yoyos are stupid?"
His head suddenly gave a burst of pain. This was one of the worst hangovers he had ever had.


After Aziraphale finally woke up, he made Crowley a coffee (which he used to swallow an ibuprofen) and a hot cocoa for himself, and they sat down on the couch.
"What do you mean yoyos are stupid?" Crowley asked finally
"Last night. You were drunk."
"so were you!"
"Yes. But you were more drunk. And you were telling me about how yoyos are stupid."
"Oh." Crowley chuckled, "I don't remember anything."
"You passed out."
"Oh, I had that much did I?"
"Ok then"
"Fancy going out to dinner at the Ritz?"
"I think I would like that very much"
Aziraphale gave Crowley a loving smile before he kissed him on the cheek and got up.
"Pancakes?" He asked.
"Sure" Crowley said.


They sat at their usual table  (which had just miraculously become free) eating roast pork and salad, while sipping champagne.
"I've always loved this place" Aziraphale said.
"Why?" Asked Crowley,
"Because it has such good food"
"And champagne" Crowley added with a smile,
"So..." Aziraphale said thoughtfully
"So what?"
"About the kiss... does this mean we're boyfriends now?"
"Do you wanna be boyfriends?"
"YES! Uh, I mean yeah, sure if you want to..."
"Cool! Well I guess we're a couple now"

Aziraphale blushed when Crowley said that, smiled a bit, and sipped his champagne. Crowley blushed a bit to before trying to hide his face by becoming very interested in his food.
"I've never seen you like food so much!" Said Aziraphale.
"Well, you know, I'm... I'm hungry?"
"Is it because you're blushing?"
"What!? I'm a demon! I don't blush! I am offended that you would even suggest such a... humanly thing."
"Dear, your face looks like a strawberry."
"Shut up Angel."

ziraphale smiled and went back to his food.


And so because they decided that one more night can't hurt, obviously, they have slept in the same bed ever since, until one night they were having dinner at the bookshop...

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