chapter 10

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It was the day before the wedding and everything was so stressful. They had organized everything and it was all going well, but they were stressed anyway.
They were going out together tonight because they couldn't have night apart with friends, seeing as they don't have many friends.
It was 5:30 pm and they were getting changed. They had decided to do a swap in clothes, Aziraphale would wear Crowley's style clothes, and Crowley would were Aziraphale's style. As the demon walked out of the room he was getting changed in, he saw Aziraphale dressed in all black and dark grey.
"Angel" he breathed as he took in the sight of him.
"Yes?" Aziraphale smiled.
"Black suits you. you look sssexy" the demon hissed. Crowley didn't often hiss like that unless he was flirting, which, he never failed to turn his Angel a bright shade of red.
"Why thank you, you look lovely too" said Aziraphale.
"Shall we go?"
"I think we shall"


They sat at their table at the Ritz eating, drinking, and chatting.
"So, you nervous?" Asked Crowley.
"A bit, what about you?" Replied Aziraphale.
"Nah, never been nervous in my life."
"Oh please, I know you too well."
"Fine. I'm a little bit nervous."
"There we go!" Aziraphale smiled brightly, and continued, "Just think, tomorrow you and I will be husbands."
"It's hard to belive, but at the same time it feels really natural."
"I can't wait to go to paris for the honeymoon."
We've been ther before remember, I got arrested."
"Yeah, but we never got to go up the Eiffel Tower or do anything romantic there."
"true, I'm really looking forward to it as well."
They sat there smiling at eachother for a while before goning back to their food and then eventually went home to bed.

Sorry this chapter took so long, It's the first week back at school so I was kinda busy.

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