chapter 6

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After what felt like five minutes, they broke apart, silently staring into eachother's eyes.
"You are definitely blushing now" said Aziraphale, smiling brightly.
"Shut up Angel" replied the demon before closing the gap again.
There are quite a few advantages of not actually having to breath, one of them being the fact that you can kiss for as long as you like without having to have a break for breath. So thay kissed again for probably about another two minutes.
"I didn't know you felt the same way." Said Crowley finally.
"Neither did I" Aziraphale smiled.
"I love you Angel"
"I love you too dear"
They heard the door to the bookshop open and Aziraphale rushed in to greet his customer, and Crowley headed out too.


It was night time again when Crowley realized that he still hadn't set up his bed.
"Umm..." Crowley said.
"Oh, we forgot again." Said Aziraphale before Crowley could say anything.
"Well I guess one more night can't hurt"


They lay together in bed, a lot closer than they were last night, with only about half a foot between them.
"Angel, you still awake?" Whispered Crowley.
"Mhmhmh" Aziraphale mumbled.
"Sorry? I didn't quite catch that"
"I'm bored"
"Whatdoya want me to do bout it?"
"I don't know, I just can't sleep"
"Good for you."
Aziraphale was obviously not happy to be woken up at this late hour.
"Do you feel like alcohol?" Crowley asked. Aziraphale just looked at him in a way that told Crowley that he hates him so much that he loves him. And so they got up and fetched about five bottles of red wine and a bottle of whiskey, and spent the next few hours getting shit faced drunk.
"Yo-yo-you know whata feel like?" Crowley said,
"Wotcha feel like?" Aziraphale asked
"I-I-I-I feeeeel like... what's that stuff you eat?"
"Which one! I eat soooo much stuff!"
"Th one that's all... all gooey and... and fishy!"
"Ssssss! Sushi!"
"Yep yep yep! Thats the one! I feel like sushi!"
"You don't LOOK like sushi..."
"Nooooo! I feel like EATING sushi you dumass!"
"But you've never tried it!"
"Oh! Really? Cool..."
"Yoyos are stupid!"
"They jus go up! And down! Up! Down, up! Down, up! Down, up! Up! Up! U-up???"
"Crowley you are ABSOLUTELY!"
"Absolutely what?"
"Absolutely Beautiful!"
"I DON'T KNOW!?!?!? Don't ask me!"
"I don't like Gabriel..."
"Kiss, marry, kill"
"Gabriel, Beelzebub, and... and ME!"
"I don't know."
"Fine, neither do I..." was the last thing Crowley said before he passed out. Aziraphale gasped, and then laughed, and then gasped again. He sobered up before picking up Crowley and taking him to bed. He fell asleep holding the demon in his arms.

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