Chapter 19

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"Shut up, you did not!" Chris' loud laughter echoed as he walked a step behind Mia while climbing the stairs toward her apartment.

"I'm dead serious," Mia looked at him with wide eyes. "It was so embarrassing! I was the featured artist at that art show and while I was talking to some gallery directors, I bent down to pick up the napkin I dropped and my pants split right in the back!"

Chris had to stop walking up the stairs and leaned against the wall, both hands slapped to his chest while he shook with his hysterical laughter. The joy that he felt right now was how he had felt for the past week, ever since Mia had shown up at his door. Both of them had felt like they were on cloud nine. In a few more weeks, Chris was going to be back in LA doing the press tour for Endgame and so he was soaking up every moment he could with Mia.

"I have to show you the cutest picture I took of Dodger this morning, he was-" Chris was staring at his phone but stopped mid sentence when he got to the top of the stairs and bumped into Mia.

He wasn't sure why she stopped short, but when Chris lifted his eyes, his question was answered.

"Daniel.... What are you doing here?" Mia felt frozen as she looked at him standing by her door.

He looked between Mia and Chris before he said, "I was hoping we could talk."

"Um..." Her words trailed off while she scratched at the back of her neck as both men looked at her, wondering what she'd say. "Yeah, sure."

Everyone was still and awkward, unsure what was happening, but Mia just unlocked her door and let Daniel in. She then turned back to Chris who was still in the hallway and said, "Why don't you head home Chris. I'll call you and come over as soon as I'm done."

"Are you going to be okay?" Chris' blue eyes were full of concern and he reached a hand up to gently tuck some hair behind her ear. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to. I can stay or wait out in the car if you want."

She nodded, acknowledging his words before telling him, "No, I owe it to him to talk to him. I'll be fine, I promise."

"Okay," His voice was tender but unsure. Chris leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, reminding her, "If you need anything, just call me."

"I will," Her dimples showed up as she smiled.

Chris nodded, giving her one more soft kiss before he turned to walk down the stairs. He had only made it a few steps when Mia called out his name. Chris turned around and looked at her as Mia told him, "I love you, Chris."

Hearing this made his face break out in a wide grin before replying, "I love you too."

Once he had walked down the stairs, Mia walked back into her apartment and closed the door behind her. Her eyes flickered over to see Daniel sitting on her couch and she couldn't help but think how odd it seemed that for so long, seeing him there was a normal sight for her and now having him here seemed so odd and out of place.

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