Theory about the Villain

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 I was sitting in my HQ thinking about Dark Shadow is someone from my school but I don't really know, who. I started to make a list of people that could be Dark Shadow. The only one that could come to mind was Carter. Anti-social, Carter but that couldn't be the only person. I guess there is only one way to find out and that way is to take of the mask.

"Come on, Lightning Prince. You got your villain. Let's see who really behind the mask," I heard the voice of reason in my head.  I walked over to Dark Shadow. I saw him sleeping. I inch my hand closer to his masked. I was about to left it when Dark Shadow woke up.

"What the hell are you doing?" Dark Shadow said, glaring at me.

"N-n-nothing," I said, stepping back.

"Okay, just don't take off my mask. You'll be disappointed if you do," he mumbled, swinging his leg over the table.

"Why would I?" I asked, stepping closer.

"Of who I am without the mask," Dark Shadow said, lowering his head.

"Well I wouldn't know because you're wearing a mask," I said, crossing my arms.

"Good lets keep it that way," he said, planted his feet on the ground. Dark Shadow started to walk around.

"Do you want something to eat?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Just coffee," he replied.

"No, you need something else to eat," I said, turning to face him.

"Why do I need actual food?" Dark Shadow asked.


"Because you need something in your stomach and it might help with you heal," Lightning Prince said. I rolled my eye.

"I don't eat food in the morning," I said, feeling insecure about my weight anyways. I looked down at the ground.

"Dark Shadow, when was the last time you ate something?" I heard him say.

"I don't remember," I mumbled.

"You don't remember when you ate something?" Lightning Prince questioned. I nodded. I hated myself for telling him this, "Alright lets just get something to eat."

"Okay," I whispered. I felt Lightning Prince tugging at my hand and pulled into the kitchen.

"Let me see now. Hmm... Eggs are always the best thing to eat for most of your vitamins and minerals," He said, grabbing some eggs out of the fridge.

"Really?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Yeah," Lightning Prince said. It's been about thirty some minutes when we finished eating but I knew he want to ask me some questions.

"Just say it. I can't stand you starring at me," I said, totally irritated.

"Okay... um... Why don't you eat?" he asked.

"I worried about my figure and my parents won't let me some days," I sighed.

"That's not okay. How long have your parents done this to you?" Lightning Prince exclaim.

"Hm... since middle school maybe? I can't be sure," I said, thinking hard on the subject.

"You remind me of Carter," he said. I felt tense once I heard him say it. Why would he say that? I mean I know I'm Carter but nobody else should know.


I looked over at Dark Shadow. I saw him tense up when I said 'Carter'. Why would he unless he is Carter. The way he explain his home life does remind me of Carter but Dark Shadow can't be Carter or can he?

"Who's Carter?" Dark Shadow asked weakly.

"A civilian that I ran into a couple of weeks back. He has been having bad home life. I wish I could help him. You know," I said, frowning at the thought of him dying all alone with no one knowing what really going on with him.

"Really? You actually come off your high horse to talk to people," Dark Shadow scoff.

"I'm a hero. That what I do," I smiled a little but notice something off with Dark Shadow.

"Yeah sure. Have imaged why some villains became villains?" he asked.

"No," I said, simply.

"Well, let me tell you. Some of us became villains because we are not wanted at home. We get picked on at school. We just want attention from our love ones but don't get it. We get beaten by the people that should care about us. We do something that make our parents proud but don't get it. Then we started to fall into the wrong crowd of people and become this," Dark Shadow ranted, tears are fallen from his eyes, "We never really want to do these things but it's the only way we can let off some steam," he explained.

"So, you don't want to be a villain?" I asked.

"Who cares anymore," Dark Shadow said, leaning back in his chair.

"Well I do," I said, standing up.

"You shouldn't. Well I better get going," he said, standing up to leave.

"You can stay here. If you like," I threw out a suggestion.

"No thanks," Dark Shadow said, leaving the building, "And thank you for everything," he said. Dark Shadow is gone. I'm alone now. I could feel the emptiness inside me. I want to know who he is. I think I know who he is...

Carter McNight.



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