Changing for the Better

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~ 2 week later


I was laying around Jayden's HQ still healing up from the encounter with Dr. Vine and Nurse Bluff. The hero league have been advoiding me. I'm living normally but I know have to go back to my parent's house soon or else something is going to happen.

"Jayden, I'm got to get going," I said, grabbing my bag.

"Where?" he asked.

"I got to pick up something," I said, heading out the door.

"Wait I'm coming with you,"

"No.  Just stay here. I'll be back," I said, closing the door.

"Alright," I heard Jayden said. I headed down the road. I got to my neighbored hood. I slowly made it to my house. I heard my parent fighting. I have no choice but to go in to get my stuff.  I stopped time and walked into the house. I packed up my stuff. I felt my power is weakening which means time's almost up. I got all my stuff and left. I walked back to Jayden's HQ. I knocked on the door to let him know I'm back.

"Coming," I heard him shout. He opened the door and saw me.

"Hey," I said.

"Is that your things?" Jayden asked. I nodded and stepped inside, "That everything?"

"Yes Jay. You wanted me to move in," I said.

"Right, but you don't have much," He said concern.

"My parents don't like me. Remember," I said.

"Right but now you don't have to live with them. You can live here," Jayden said, pulling me into a hug. 

"I know. That's why I went to get my stuff but I do need to rest," I whispered.

"You used you power?" he asked.

"I had no choice," I said, putting my stuff down.

"Right. Where your parents fighting?" Jayden asked, picking my stuff.

"Yeah, I had to stop time to get my things out," I said, following Jayden to my room.

"I'm really sorry I should've of helped you sooner," he apologized.

"It's cool. I'm just glad I met you when I did or else it could have been a lot worse," I said.

"Yeah and I'm changed you a little," Jayden said, sitting on my bed. 

"For the better I think," I said, sitting next to him.

"I hope so and maybe I can take you on patrol," he said, wrapping his arms around my shoulder.

"Maybe but not yet," I said, leaning on him. I felt completely safe but I still need time to adjust to living with a hero, "But you remember the agreement with the hero league," I said.

"Yeah. We have to wait for two years until we can patrol together," Jayden sighed. I sighed as well, "Well I guess we can wait," He smiled.

"I guess so," I said.


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