To Prove a Theory

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I need to figure out if Carter McNight is Dark Shadow. Well I know he is but how to prove it is a different story. I just have to wait for the right opening to do it.  I walked to the school. I saw Carter walking slowly with his headphones in. I smiled wondering what is he listening to.

"Hey Carter," I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. He jumped a mile in the air. I laughed.

"Not funny," He mumbled.

"Sorry," I said, whipping away a tear.

"So, what do you want?" Carter asked.

"I was wondering what are you doing later today?" I asked. He seems very confused.

"Nothing really," He said, walking down the hall. I want to prove it so badly. I hope Dark Shadow is Carter. I was starring at Carter to see if I can pick up things that Carter and Dark Shadow might have in common besides the height and the style of clothes. I just couldn't figure out how to prove my theory.  I found something on his locker.

"Carter? What is this?" I asked, grabbing a piece of paper.

"A threat letter," Carter said, casually.

"What? Who would be threatening you?" I asked, really concern about Carter safety.

"The whole school, My parents, and heroes," he said, not caring about the words he just said.

"What do you mean by hero?" I asked.

"They want me dead as well except for one," Carter said.

"So, what are you saying?" I asked, moving closer to him.

"What you haven't figure it out yet?" he asked.

"Figure out what?" I asked, pushing him into a locker.

"Who I am, Lightning Prince?" Carter whispered into my ear.

"Your telling me, you knew who I was this whole time?" I whispered.

"Yeah," he said, pushing me away from him and walked away. I guess he must be Dark Shadow but the way to be sure is the cuts on his back. I will find out during gym.

~Gym class

I walked into the locker room. I waited in the stalls so no one will know I'm here. I waited until I hear everyone leave. I know that Carter is the last one to leave. I opened the door to the stall. I walked around to where Carter locker is and saw the cuts on his back. Dark Shadow is Carter.

I just proven my theory. Now I know things that both Dark Shadow and Carter said are true and their the same person. I just have to get Carter out of the villain life but how I don't know.


Sorry for the short chapter

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