What up, I'm Loki-

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What up I'm Loki, I'm over a thousand and I never fucking learned how to talk to Valkyrie


"Peter, you need to get home." Potts said, checking the time on her phone.

"Can't I just meet the other Asgardians first? It'll only be twenty minutes!"

"Kid, your aunt will kill me if you're home late." Stark said reluctantly.

"I'll only stick around for a few minutes! I'll call my aunt first and everything!"

Stark and Potts shared a look and sighed simultaneously. "Call your aunt." Stark said.

Potts kept her face stern. "But if she says you go home, you go home."

Peter agreed and went off to call his aunt. Loki remained sitting cross-legged in the couch, observing even if she was occupied with her thoughts.

She wasn't sure how the other Asgardians would treat her. Sure, she was still their princess (queen now?) but she had betrayed Asgard constantly and had unknowingly abandoned the survivors of Thanos' attack.

Heimdall seemed to treat her the same, but the gatekeeper never let his emotions get the better of him.

She was a tad bit worried about the Valkyrie. If the woman chose to take out her anger out on her, Loki wasn't sure she could do much to stop her.

Rhodey sat down beside her. "So, uh, what kind of people should we be expecting? Are they all... like Thor? Or-?"

"I can only remember two warriors being on the ship: Heimdall, guardian of the Bifrost, and the last Valkyrie. They can help us in the fight against Thanos, but the rest? Most might be able to swing a sword, but they aren't warriors. They'd die if they tried to go up against Thanos' army."

Rhodey put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure we'll find a place for them to go."

"For repayment to whoever houses the asgardians, we can give out knowledge. Our healers are light years ahead of your's, and I recall a few physicians being on board who might've survived. We could probably tell you about the other areas of space? To prepare you for any other attacks." Loki began.

Rhodey smiled. "We can discuss that later. Tony should be able to keep them housed for a while before Asgard has to become self sustainable again. We'll kick Thanos' ass and then you can freak out about housing issues."

She thanked him, and he patted her shoulder and stood up.

Peter vaulted over the couch and landed next to her. "My aunt says I can stay for another hour!"

Loki smiled. "Magnificent. I'll introduce you Heimdall when he arrives. I believe he'll like you."

"Really?" Peter exclaimed.

She nodded. "He was always fond of Thor, and you're rather like him, I think. Very... kind hearted and determined."

"You think so? Thor is my favourite avenger-"

"Hey!" Stark cut in, who appeared to be listening.

"- do you really think I'm like him? I don't even have a magical hammer."

"Neither does Thor, remember? Mjolnir was shattered. Besides, a hammer really wouldn't suit your aesthetic. I'm guessing you're agile and quick - like me? I'll start teaching you how to work with knives if you'd like."

Stark cut in again. "Woah, woah. No knives! What do you think May would do if Spiderman became the next David Adamovich?"

Loki frowned. "At least let me train him with a sword? Or the Valkyrie can. He should be proficient with a blade of some sort."

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