hey guys i'm really sad

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Trigger Warning: mentions of suicidal tendencies and canon suicide attempts in the mcu. To avoid this please stop reading after the person knocking at the door at the start of this chapter leaves the room and read the summary of what happened afterwards next week where I will post it before the start of the next chapter. Thank you.


"Loren!" Called Shuri, followed by some more rapid knocks on the door. "Hawkdude said you were pretty bad after you left the lab. I've just come to check up on you."

"I am fine." Loki said, unconvincingly.

"Yeah, sure." She replied doubtfully. "I'm coming in. Get some clothes on if you're naked, alien girl."

Loki tried to get to his feet, but as he attempted to push himself up with his hands, he fell back to the floor, the wind knocked out of him. Norns, he was a disaster.

The door opened and the princess stepped into the room. "Woah! You're a dude now! I mean, you are a dude, right? What are your pronouns right now?"

Loki wanted her to leave before the realisation came to her. Undoubtedly she had seen footage of him from the invasion before, it was only a matter of time before things clicked. "He/him." He replied like Bruce had taught him.

"After all this Thanos stuff is over you need to explain how you can do that. Do you think humans have the potential to shapeshift with the right technology? We do have the hulk after all so it's possible to some extent and-"

"I don't wish to be rude," Loki said, "but I want to be alone at this given moment."

She raised an eyebrow. "You're as pale as an albino ghost and trembling like my brother when he sees Nakia."

"Sees who?"

"Don't change the subject."

She was right, but that didn't mean she had to say it.

"I'm fine. Please leave."

She shook her head and sat down next to him before she helped him to sit up against the bed. "Even if you won't let me help you, I need to make sure you don't die or anything." She looked at him curiously. "Do you have a youtube account or something? You look familiar. Do you make vlogs in space?"

"I don't believe so. Perhaps I just have one of those faces?"

The metaphorical penny was in the air, so the Midgardian saying went, and it wouldn't take long for gravity to take effect.

She hummed. "So tell me the science behind shapeshifting."

Turns out that gravity's name was Peter Parker.

The spider-child ran into the room. "Mr Rogers said I could check in on you. Are you dead?"

Shuri smiled reassuringly. "He's not."

"Thank God, I-" Peter looked at Loki's prone form and reeled backwards. "You're you?!"

"Who's you?" Shuri asked.

"Loki!" Peter exclaimed. "Thor's brother! The guy who tried to invade Earth!"

Shuri jumped to her feet. "I knew I recognised you." She said, voice bitter.

Loki was sure that Peter was working himself into a frenzy. "You threw Mister Stark out a window!"

Loki couldn't help rolling his eyes. "Don't tell me he's not over that? Midgardians. You could hold a grudge into the afterlife."

"We should tell T'Challa." Shuri said, grabbing Peter's arm.

"Don't," Loki replied, "Please."

It was clear that Peter was trying to glare at him with disdain, but he just looked upset if anything. "Why should we listen to a word you say?"

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