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It has been five weeks after we created a new name for the daycare and I now own the daycare and I created a council, that has me, Lizzy, Ryan, and Tina. We have done a lot of work to the daycare and it has a new lab down stairs so I can give people robotics to save their lives. Me and Lizzy are trying to buy a house for our family. Damion and Bethany have their own house. Emma is still living with Kat and Tony also moved in with them. Ryan and Tina now have a house together and a pet cat, named Tyan. Everyone has control of their elemental powers. Derp left the daycare and we have a new kid named Peter, and Emma is his girlfriend. I might have threatened him if he ever breaks her heart I would break him. Anyways after that guy took out my demon I have started getting more ill by the seconds. My semitones are coughing, less sight, and random hearing gaps. Unicorn Mann is the only one who knows. Anyways Anna and Mathew have readjusted and right now they are living in the daycare with Beta. Me and RJ have been trying to find the new person in my head, but no luck. And that is all we have been doing in the last five weeks.

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