chapter 12

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"What should we do now"Jannet was very worried by now
They all looked down in despair then a sudden idea hit Amber.
Is there anyway we could trick the kidnapper and save dad...cuz I'm sure there is. We just need a perfect plan.

Darren and Jennet gives it a thought and Darren says"That is a very risky one but I think we can pull it off. I just hope your dad will be fine with this idea;putting you girls in danger" looks up as if asking help and mercy and forgiveness all at once.

"OK so how should we do it" Jennet asked

"For now lets all take rest and meet at 5 in the morning and do this thing. Lets save your dad." Darren said

"I agree"  Amber said

"Darren, you can stay here tonight if you like. we have a spare room up stairs."  Jennet offers

Darren then looks at Amber if this was okay and he sees Amber nodding awkwardly. After that he walks to the guest room but before reaching the door, Jannet rushes up and stops him.

"You cannot sleep there?" Jennet said gasping for air.

" You just offered me to stay and now you want me to go?" Darren says pouting

"Shut up!... I don't mean it that way.." Jannet replied

" Then?"

"I mean to say you can't sleep in that room . sleep in Amber's room. "

By that time Amber was right behind them

"What?" Amber and Darren says in unison then they looked at each other and back at Jenner

"Chill guys, I didn't mean it that way either. Damn you perverts. Amber can sleep with me. The guest room is in mess right now its full of boxes  plus it don't have a bed. I might have gifted that to a friend's neighbour."....Jannet said smiling

"If that's the case then you can come sleep in my room and let him sleep in yours"  Amber said to her sister.

"No I think it would be better if we  sleep in mine  because my bed is bigger , remember?  You wanted a single-tiny bed so that I wouldn't disturb you at night...she pauses for a second... Unless you want to sleep with...."

"Ok, ok fine .whatever. lets go ." Amber interrupts her sister blushing as she pulls her sister to their room.

As Jennet and Amber shared the bed , the big sister took the time to ask her little sister what was really going on in her life , at the present. Was she okay with everything

"What's up with you and Darren these days " but Jennet teases her little sister with this first question

"Nothing. Good night" was all jannet got from her sister and  she let her be after holding her tightly .

Next morning at 4:a.m.Amber climbed down the kitchen stairs because she was disturbed by her sister's sinus snoring  and she wanted some early snacks to kill off the time...She grabbed a chilled mango juice packet and some pastries and closed the fridge door with her feet, she was an expert in that . As she sat down to the sofa she noticed a dark shadow sitting beside her. Her eyes widened ;Scared but no words came out of her mouth she didn't know what to do....The person was resting with his face down the single sofa  and she could see blood on his clothes . Amber just frozed there,the first thing that came to her mind was "who is this man," second "I need to call Darren for help",third "oh crap, my phone is not with me right now."...
She was so scared she dropped the pastry plate and  awoken the man....she started to shiver as she noticed the man opening his one eye..The man slowly got up . Amber was still watching him  , not even moving an inch from her seat because she was  death scared ..The man got near to the next sofa which was Amber's and turned on a lamp that was placed near to it... Now the room was brighter than before. "Amber it's me, dad".

Amber still couldn't believe what she was seeing because the man face was blue and had swelled pretty badly and  bloodstain was still on his white shirt.

"Dad? is that really you "

"Yes darling its me" mr.Perkins hardly managed to say and sat beside her

"How did you..who did this.Jennet ,Jennet Darren" Amber started shouting out loud...

They both came dashing down thinking something had gone wrong and they were both shook when they saw mr. Perkins there in the sofa beside Amber.

"Dad?" Jennet asked to make sure it was her father

"Mr. Perkin?" Darren asked too

"Yes, it me" Mr.Perkins replied

"How did you escape? who did this to you.." Darren asked

"We need to get you to the hospital right away"Jennet said with tears gathering the rim of her eyes

"No, don't take me to the hospital" Mr.perkins replied

" But dad you really need to" Amber pleaded

"If I do, they will pull out an official case for this and I don't want this to be a big thing"

"What are you talking about?"
Jennet asked

" you need to understand  that we need to catch the kidnapper before he comes and take revenge on you again  for escaping mr. Perkin. It's for the safety of everyone" Darren said worriedly

" I did not escape and non of such will happen. Don't worry" mr.Perkins assured them.

Now the youngsters  were all in confusion they didn't understand as to why mr.Perkins would not want to catch the kidnapper or case a file against such.

"I'm sorry girls you will be really disappointed after hearing this but  I want you to know and understand that it will never happen again and I don't want you to hate the person who abducted me..(he smirks) the kidnapper also promised that non of such will ever happen again in fact the person will come and  personally apologize  to you girls."
"What just happened" Darren blurted out

They were all looking at each other trying to understand the odd situation that was taking place

"Who in the fucking world does that. Why would a kidnapper come and apologize to us after doing this brutal thing to you. I mean who? I want him in the fucking jail and starve him to death" Jennet said with her hands in the air

"Jennet, language" Mr.Perkins warns

" but Dad?" Jannet looks at her father with the looks that said she was only worried for him and want justice for what has happened

After some long pause
Mr.Perkins takes a deep breath and said the unthinkable "It was your mom"

"What..!!" They all said in trison
"Mom? you mean our mom who left us actually kidnapped and beat you up "

"Yes" mr..Perkins replied.

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