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"Hey, love, how much for a bushel of apples?" San asked, leaning forward to play with some of the girl's black hair as he flashed a smile at her. She turned red and stuttered over his words, not noticing as his other hand slowly took apples from the stand and put them in the bag at his hip.


"Five?" He said, keeping his tone light and innocent. "Would you take three? I'm afraid I don't quite have enough." He leaned closer to her, peering at her from under his light blonde bangs.

'Y-Yeah. I can do that." She blushed again and packed up a bag of apples while San handed her the money.

He winked at her as he turned around and slipped into the crowd.

She had made it way too easy on him. San pulled out an apple and bit into it, winking at another girl as she walked by while slipping his hand into her purse and snatching her wallet.

All this was just a thrill to him. Testing his limits to just see how far he could go without getting caught. Today his spoils consisted of five wallets, three bracelets, and those extra apples, and it wasn't even past noon yet.

He moved from city to city, avoiding any wolf he sensed nearby and enjoying his freedom. Even though he had stolen a decent amount of money, he tried to not spend it when he could, or he'd haggle to get a lower price.

As he started looking for his next target, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on edge. San's head snapped around. There was another alpha nearby. He really didn't feel like dealing with it right now so he turned to make his way out of the market.

The alpha got closer. San ducked behind a stall and looked around.

There he was. San eyed him. The alpha didn't seem to even know he was there...

He was walking through the market, holding hands with a beta that watched every step his alpha took. They moved in sync, like they had known each other for years. They both had kind faces and seemed at ease amongst the humans.

The alpha kissed the beta's forehead, smiling as the beta nuzzled the side of his neck.

San tilted his head and let out a small whine as he watched the interaction. It looked like it could be harmless flirting to any human, but San knew the beta was scenting a mating mark.

His wolf stirred within him, a sudden pang of loneliness ripping through him. Then he scolded himself for even thinking like that and turned to leave.

He was fully prepared to, and then his wolf sensed something else. He straightened and spun in a circle, his heart racing.

It couldn't be... He had to be wrong. They didn't exist anymore. They couldn't.

They were heading right for the couple.

San felt his wolf itching to be set free and had to force it down. He watched as several hooded people forced their way through the crowd of people, heading to the unsuspecting couple.

Growling, San took one of his apples and threw it at a bag of flour as hard as he could. With his wolf strength, the bag ripped apart and sent a huge white cloud over the crowd. A few people gasped and several started coughing.

San dashed forward and grabbed onto the first hand he found. He realized quickly it was the beta and would be in a lot of trouble later, but at least he knew the alpha was sure to follow.

"Hey!" The beta called out and tried to pull away.

"Don't." San ordered, pulling him harder.

The beta whimpered, but followed behind him. San could sense the alpha too, and boy was he mad.

In the madness the flour had caused, they managed to escape the market. San didn't stop until they were well outside the city limits.

"Do you mind telling me what is going on?" The beta asked, staring at him with wide eyes. San put a finger to his lips and stared at the ground. His ears and nose strained for any sign of what he fled from.

"HEY. Get your hands off my beta."

San looked up right as the other alpha tackled him to the ground. They snarled at each other and San had to fight to keep himself from shifting. The other alpha had every right to be angry with him, but that didn't stop him from trying to defend himself.

"I wasn't trying to take him. I was protecting you!" San roared, shoving the alpha off him.

The beta ran to his side and held onto his arm. "He didn't try anything. Maybe we should listen to him." The other alpha sighed and kissed the beta on his forehead.

"First off, what is your name? Then tell me what the hell just happened."

San straightened, making sure to stand tall and proud. "San. And I sensed Hunters."

The couple gasped and the alpha's eyes flashed red. "I thought they left this land."

"I did too. I wouldn't be surprised if that giant fight brought them back though." San noticed the beta wince and hide his head in his alpha's back.

The alpha sighed and ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair. "Thank you, for getting us out of there. I'm Hongjoong and this is my mate, Yeosang." He looked at San curiously. "Where is your pack?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but I don't have one. I never have." San picked at his nails.

"You're a rogue?" Hongjoong said, his eyebrows raising in surprise.

"Don't worry, I don't want your beta. I'm better off alone." He pursed his lips. "You two better get out of here."

Yeosang stepped forward, "If there really are Hunter's out there, there's safety in numbers. You could come with us."

San chuckled as he saw Hongjoong eye him nervously. "No. Like I said, I'm better off alone. You two better learn to sense them though. They give off a certain energy, almost like a head alpha, but... worse."

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Yeosang asked, stepped forward.

"Yup." San accented the 'p'. "You two lovebirds take care. Maybe I'll see you around." He turned around and marched away.

When he was far enough, he stripped down, stuffed his clothes in the bag, and shifted. He shook out his fur and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of the wind on his face.

Then he picked up the bag in his teeth and ran deeper into the forest.

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