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When Yeosang was feeling comfortable again, Hongjoong called a pack meeting. He knew he needed to leave the room and see the others. Especially Seonghwa, he missed his friend so much.

The two embraced each other immediately and had to fight back the tears as they held each other. "I'm so glad you are ok." Seonghwa whispered, hugging the beta tighter.

Eventually everyone was there and Yeosang started to feel overwhelmed, but in a good way. Hongjoong had filled him in on everyone's stories and he hugged Wooyoung, thankful the small omega was ok after everything that had happened. Then he moved to hug Jongho, wanting to properly thank him for taking care of Hongjoong.

As things calmed down, they settled in the living room. They were still split in half by their original packs of four, but that just seemed to be how they naturally gravitated together.

Yeosang sat between Hongjoong and Seonghwa. He smiled as Wooyoung settled in between his two alphas. It was noticeable just how happy the omega was being mated to San. They moved as one and seemed to have the same connection he had with Hongjoong. Yeosang was also impressed with Jongho, most alphas wouldn't be so willing to give up their mate like that. No, pretty much all alphas wouldn't do what Jongho did. It showed he truly cared for Wooyoung, and San.

Hongjoong waited for everyone to get settled before he started. "We've been through a lot, but I cannot tell you how happy I am to see all of us together again." He smiled at each one of them and grabbed Yeosang's hand. "But as much as I wish I could say we can relax now, I don't think we can."

Jongho nodded in agreement and wrapped an arm around Yunho's waist, pulling him closer. The beta leaned into him and rested his head on his shoulder. "So what do you want to do?"

"Well, I thought I'd ask all of you. I feel like we have two choices. We can stay here, where we are comfortable and may be safe for a little bit, but the Alpha Pack knows where this place is because of Lance. Or, we can pack up and leave, and look for a new place to call home."

Yeosang felt his heart sink at the thought. This house meant so much to him, but Hongjoong was right. If they stayed here it could put them in danger.

They sat in silence for a long moment.

"I think we should move on." Yeosang said finally, looking at his alpha. He could see his pain reflected on Hongjoong's face. This place meant a lot to both of them.

The rest of the pack nodded sadly, but they knew that Yeosang's opinion was most important right now. He was so grateful to all of them.

"Ok." Hongjoong said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Then let's go through things and decide what we need to take, and I'll call the real estate agent. Maybe we can get some money for this place before we leave so we can get another one. I'll look at getting a second car too. It will be safer if we travel that way I think."

He went to stand, but paused. "Oh, and one more thing. I had a long discussion with Mingi the other night."

Yeosang glanced at the other alpha. He had his face buried in Seonghwa's neck.

"And we'd like to name you my second in command, Jongho, if you're willing to do it. I mean, you basically already have since we returned, but I wanted to make it official. Just in case."

The young alpha bit his lip and nodded. "I would be honored. Thank you."

Hongjoong gave him a small smile. "You've earned it. Thank you for everything you did for me, and the rest of us." He took a deep breath. "I know you were hurting just as much as I was and you pushed it aside for me."

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