Chapter 3

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“BELLA! WAKE UP! DANNY IS ALREADY OUTSIDE!” My mom yelled from downstairs.

My eyes shot opened and I jumped up from be and fell face forward because I forgot about the boot on my foot.

“Oww.” I got up and went into the washroom and just brushed my teeth and quickly put on my legging with a loose plaid t-shirt and instead of my contacts I wore my glasses and hurried out the door with my bag.

“I’m leaving!” I yelled before I went out the door and saw a disappointing Danny.

“I’m SO SO sorry Danny, we just came late from last night and I fell asleep and got lost track of time please forgive me I know I just broke your promise but tomorrow I’ll be early I pinky promise.” I hand my hands together with my eyes closed.

“Fine, this is the last warning or you’re walking to school.” He smiled

“Okay deal.” I kissed his cheek.


“ SEE YOU AT LUNCH!” I hurried to my first class.

I saw my first classes door closes, oh no I’m late. I took a deep breath and opened the door and casually  walking to my seat but clearly everyone noticed my boot and me being late.

“Ms. Williams I see you made an entrance, if you are late one more time it’s detention!” Ms. Shields said.

“I’m sorry Miss I just had a bad morning, won’t happen again.” I took out my books.


It was finally lunch time, I’m starving I didn’t even eat breakfast this morning or dinner last night but I need to lose some weight anyways but face it I’m hungry and I’m going to eat and I don’t care about what anyone says. I was walking into the hallways towards my locker until I saw the three boys walking in my direction not knowing I was there.

I saw Jai’s face and I just got anger built inside me because of him I won’t be able to play the only thing I ever love to do.

He looked up and saw me with my arms crossed in front of my chest and then he looked down and saw my boot.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry I didn’t think it was that bad!” He came towards me hugging me?

What the hell why is he hugging me. I pushed him off me and gave him the ‘what the fuck are you doing’ look and he looked nervous. What’s wrong with him?

“You didn’t think it was that bad, why cause I didn’t cry?!” I yelled which caused people to stare at us.

“Just cause I’m a girl doesn’t mean I have to cry to show my pain, I’m a strong girl you know.”  I stood confidently.

“Okay I’m sorry why are you yelling?”  He placed his hand on my shoulder. I shook it off and took a step towards him being really close to him.

“Listen Brooks, because of you trying to ‘help’ me caused me to lose my chance on playing my first home game I was wishing to always play. Thank you, for the help you made everything better. In fact I don’t want to talk to you again, why did you even talk to me in the first place, you don’t even know my name!” I shoved him to the side and walked between James and Luke who were trying not to laugh.

I stormed to the cafeteria and went towards Danny and his friends.

“What’s wrong with you.” Danny asked me.

“Don’t want to talk about it.” I took the half of his ham sandwich.

Jai’s POV:

I saw her in the hallways looking mad and I look down and a boot on her foot. Oh my god cause of me she is hurt. I looked to my side and saw Luke and James. Shit they think she’s my girl so I have to pretend like we are together. I went to her and hugged her which she didn’t do back so this plan isn’t working. I tried to calm her down but all she was doing was yelling at me. I was actually pretty embarrassing because people we staring and laughing and some were even recording us. She stormed off and I felt really bad because that game meant a lot to her and it’s true I don’t even know her name. I turned to the boys and they were laughing and red as tomatoes and I just ignored them and went away from them.

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