Chapter 1

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I stand in the meeting room as Marcus and my mother walk in. I don't pay attention to any of what they say only there for there comforting hugs and worried faces. Though I catch My brother Mouth "Remember me." I nod as they take me away to the train.

                                                                                          The Train

I sit in a cushy seat opposite the one that a boy with blonde, brown hair and ice blue eyes. he looks up to find my tear stained face and my hands messing with my hair.

"You would think you would be somewhat cheerier, since you've just been chosen to fight for your district." Effie scoffs. I glare up at her and say, "well most people like living, not fighting to the death." The boy sitting across from me tries to hide a laugh as Effie Gives us and offended look.

I look over to him and say "I still haven't gotten your name, I didn't really have any sense of what was going on and kind of  blanked out." I blush as he stares at me.
"I'm Hugo, 15. how old are you  Arya?" he asks bluntly.

"I'm 14." I say, I thought it was obvious. I knew I was tall for my age and acted mature but still I don't look to old. by the look he gives me though I can tell he is surprised. he clears his throat as Haymitch walks in.

"How can I prepare before the games begin? or will I ever be able to start a fire? Should I run to or from the cornucopia? should I climb trees or leave them? Will swimming be necessary?Should I worry about getting sponsors? Or, or, or." I stutter.

"Good gosh girl. let me Finnish my drink!" Haymitch screams at me. I shrink back into my seat.

"She's just trying to survive. calm down." I stare confused at the stranger defending me. Haymitch growls and walks out of the cabin. I follow going to my room. I take off my clothes to take a shower. I feel so grimy with all the tear stains left on my face. The dirt on my skin that came from home almost stings. It takes time to figure the shower out and after some time I decide that I'm fine with a cold shower. After about a half and hour I get out and put on a pair of dark red athletic leggings and a white shirt. when I walk out Hugo and Haymitch are are arguing over something while Effie stands there looking displeased and out of place. I walk over to her.

"What should I do or how should I act when riding the chariot?" I ask her as she slowly looks down at me, I felt sorry for her in a way. she was just so pathetic and worried about the wrong things in life. 

"Really? You really want to know?" she asks. I nod she gives me a small hug. "I'm so glad! you know no one ever asks me for advise around here." She rolls her eyes like its the craziest thing in the world. " you will want to smile, your brightest smile!" she says, I give it a go and she nods enthusiastically. "then you give a wave to the audience." She demonstrates and I copy her. "lastly  you will want to show some affection for your partner tribute, like a kiss on the cheek or maybe you hold his hand. Though hugging him is good to." she adds. I must make a disgusted look because she glares at me. I give her a small apologetic smile, and walk over to Haymitch and Hugo.

"You could at least give me something useful!" Hugo shouts at Haymitch as I sit down on the couch beside him. Hugo looks at me and rolls his eyes telling me that he is really annoyed with Haymitch. I smile and giggle a little. Haymitch stops lecturing mid sentence and looks over at me to glare. I return the stare.

"Anyways. like I was saying never start a fire, go straight to find water, and avoid the cornucopia. Climbing a tree would also help, stay hidden unless you know you can over power." he says in a solemn tone.

"Thank you for the helpful information but how are we going to get sponsors." I ask.

"Please the people. make them like your personality or your strength, speed, and brute force." He says.

                                                                      The Next Day

I wake up early in the morning so I put on a short indigo dress and leather jacket. I walked out the the viewing deck and sat on a couch. I sat there for a while and watched the sun come up. It was around 8:00 when Hugo came in and gave me a muffin. he sat down next to me as we entered the capital. I dot up and watched the people, Hugo started waving so I gave air kisses, they LOVED it. I realized that we where getting close to where we would sleep and went to grab my yellow dress and red shoes. We left the train and went to be dressed.

                                                                 Being Dressed for the Chariot 

It was awful. First they stripped me of my clothes and made me shower, even though I had already done it twice in the past two days. After hosing me down several times, they scrubbed me until my skin felt raw. Than my legs and arms where waxed and stripped of all hair except for the stuff on the top of my head. They braided my dark brown hair and put it into a bun with some dark curls running down my back. Then they put on golden eye shadow that made my green eyes pop more than usual. After a while they had the head stylist come in and put me in a long dress that flowed at the bottom and was dark grey, it looked slightly feathery but you could tell it was supposed to look like coal. the top of the dress looked slightly like fire the top hugged tight to the curve of my breasts. It had a thick gold Belt across the stomach and it was a sleeves.

When I walked out to the chariots Hugo was in a black suit with slight sparkles to make it look like fire sparks. his tie looked like fire itself. After messing with his cuffs for a minute or two he looked up and smiled, blushing. I smiled back and went over too the horses. there was a pile of hay nearby so I picked some up and fed it to the horse.

"Are you nervous." Hugo asked picking up some hay as well. he fed the horse next to mine.

"You have no idea." I said remembering what Effie said, shuddering.

"What?" He asked.

"you'll find out when we leave on the chariots." I said smiling cheekily. he just rolls his eyes, I smile.

                                                                               The Chariots

They load us on too the chariots, and one by one we leave. District 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8 ,9, 10, 11, and finally us: district 12. We go out and wave. I am frozen in a waving smiling position. Until I remember what Effie said, Maybe a kiss on the cheek. I  was horrified. but I took his hand in mine, and I went to kiss him. He turned just so slightly in confusion, and it turned into a full on kiss. His eyes widen, probably mirroring my expression. then he deepens the kiss so I do to. The crowd went wild. When the kiss ended and I held our hands up in the air. When the chariots halted to a stop president Snow gave a speech and we turned around.

                                                                               The Penthouse

We walked into the elevator and rode up to our room. Hugo and  avoided eye contact the majority of the way up to the 12th floor. Until Haymitch said "Well, aren't we a stiff crowd." I finally look up and give a small smile. 

Hugo clears his throat and eventually says "That, um, the kiss, it was for, uh, show right?". 

"yeah, yeah. I would never kiss someone I just met." I Quickly respond. "Effie said it would be a good idea. You just happen to turn at the right time, and-" Hugo stops me mid sentence.

"Oh." Hugo says almost deflated. "Uh. I mean that's what I thought. good idea Effie."

"Yes. I thought we all did great." she says, entering the conversation.

"I think we all deserve dinner. and that I deserve a drink." Haymitch says.

"Dinner sounds good." I agree.

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