Chapter 8

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"Is that a parachute?" I ask.

"Yeah!" Jay is giddy with anticipation.

It floats down about a yard away In the middle of a tree. I run to climb and get it.

"Its stitches for your leg." I say. "It also came with a note: Giving them a good show? Look harder."

"What?" Jay asks.

"You got me." I pocket the note and jump down. "We should find a cave and stitch you up."

"I saw one over there." We walk in that direction and find an unoccupied cave. I sit down and put Jay's leg on my lap unrolling the tight bandages. Seeing it up close I can tell its a lot deeper then we had thought. 

"I have only done this once before. Sorry." I say. Jay just sighs and closes his eyes. I do an okay Job for someone with overly shaky hands. "Done." I say after about an hour. 

"Thanks." He says. I pack up the medical supplies and take out the birds. "Is that the bird from your pin?" I hear jay ask as I start a fire.

"Yeah. I guess so." I say. I hadn't really noticed but They where. I touch my pin. Once the fire starts I Put it out so the coals are still hot but the smoke doesn't take over the cave. We each eat a whole bird I hadn't eaten since the day maria was killed. It tasted so good.

We wake up the next morning and start walking toward the creek by the career camp. We had one canteen left of water and desperately needed more. There where four people left. Me, Jay, Hugo and copper. We get there and we fill up on water.

"Four people." Jay Says. "What do you think."

"I think that we can't let Copper win." I respond, chugging my whole canteen. I re fill it along with the extra one at the bottom of Jay's bag. I take it out along with four knifes and two arrows. 

"Why where you keeping these at the bottom of your bag?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Guess I forgot about them."

"Oh. Well. We should probably get going and find shelter." I say.

"Got it. Hey, You think any one is hiding in the cornucopia?"

"I don't know lets check it out."

We both put a arrow onto our bow strings and walk slowly to the cornucopia. We walk to the mouth and immediately shift our bows  to the inside of the metal structure.

"it's safe." I say. My words echoing through the cylinder like shape. I go and sit with my back against the wall, Jay sits across from me. I take out an arrow and my set of knives and start to sharpen them. When I finish the whole set its dark outside and I ask Jay, "You want some dried fruit and crackers?"

"Sure." He holds hands out his hands and smirks. I roll my eyes and through him his bag, It hits him hard in the gut and I laugh. He glare at me and takes out his fruit and crackers. I take out four crackers and a hand full of dried fruit. 

After finishing my dinner I carefully pack up the food and tell Jay I would take first watch. I take my sword off my belt and sit by the opening. As I sit, I hear the capitol anthem start. No one has died today. I keep my Eyes either on the tree line or the cities line. I can see that someones started a fire. Not that it maters now, too few of us are left to be able to pin point them exactly and kill them before morning.

I ended up letting Jay sleep the whole night. In the morning I put on more of the medicine and re wrap my bandages, which we where running out of.

That whole day we don't go father than about five yards into the woods and city. We find an abandoned sword and I pick it up strapping it to my belt. The day was pretty boring. It wasn't until night time when we heard something. Copper He was screaming and sprinting into the clearing.Hugo was running along side him. I felt my heart skip a beat inside of my chest. But it wasn't until I saw what they where running from that I started to freak out. There was another giant snake along with a huge tiger and bear.I wake up jay and put a finger to my lips telling him to be quiet. He grabs his bow and walks over. copper has the bear dead pretty quickly along with the tiger. the Snake is different though.  he hasn't even touched it . Its twice the size of the ones that cut me. There fangs aren't dripping with poison but with blood. No. Is that the blood of the dead tributes? That's impossible there just trying to confuse you. I think to my self. I shiver as Hugo notices the Cornucopia. Jay shoots an arrow at the snakes eye missing, but hitting it the next time. That gives copper enough time to stab it and then chop its head off. Hugo runs over. Copper collapses but is still alive. I run towards Hugo and he hugs me as tight as imaginable when we collide.He kisses me and I kiss him back. when we separate for air  He puts his forehead on mine. I giggle as he rubs his nose on mine. I'm too distracted to notice Jay walk over and stab Copper repeatedly until the canon goes off. if I hadn't been so distracted I would have noticed Jay sprint out f the way towards the creek so the air craft could come down and take up The now Dead and Misshapen Copper. And I defiantly would have noticed Hugo  Run over to the cornucopia grabbing his bow and place an arrow on the string I also would have noticed how Hugo backed out f our embrace to stop me from getting hit by an arrow.

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