Chapter 7

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"Don't move." I hear a voice say in front of me. I can't tell  who it is. "We have you cornered."

"On the count of three run up the stairs, to the roof." I whisper to Hugo. I nod to maria and she nods back. "three, two, one!" I sprint up the 30 flights of stairs and reach the top. theirs no fire stairs down to floor level, but there is a building about 20 feet away from the one we are on. I take several steps back and sprint forward.

I barely grasp the edge of the building. I fall onto the fire escape and I feel a sting on my knees as the blood seeps through my leggings. I wait for Hugo or jay or Maria to follow, but no one does. Instead I hear Jay yell, "Go! Without us. separate! Run!" So I do. I run down the Stairs and down the street, Back into the woods. I find and cave to hide in and I sit down and cry.

The capitals anthem plays waking me. I look out of the cave to see the deaths. Two of them must have been on the roof when I jumped and the last one was. it was. 


I didn't know how to react. I screamed and pulled my hair. I was angry, angry at the capitol for putting us in here. I was sad my best friend was dead. After my melt down I got up and started walking to the city. I had gotten at least five hours of sleep. So I thought I could find the others. I pull out my night glasses and put them on. I see a rabbit caught in one of my snares and take it out, resetting the snare. When I get To the tree line I sprint to the cities border, hiding behind an old car. I run to a nearby ally way and climb the ladder leading to the fire escape. once on top of the building I see someone running nearby. I climb down and run towards the person bow ready.

The person runs into me and I scream. "Jay?" I ask.

"Arya? What are you, wait How are you sill alive?" he asks. "I saw you fall. like 30 stories."

"I landed on a fire escape." I replied.

"Oh. Have you seen Hugo?"

"No. I thought he was with you!" I was starting to panic, tears where stinging my eyes.

"Oh. Oh" He says. "I'm sorry."

I remember maria. "No I'm sorry. about Maria." I felt awful for forgetting.

"It- Its fine. She wants you to win. she told me to tell you." He gives me a hurt look.

"Do you want to keep moving? We don't have to, but we could look for Hugo and the, what 10 remaining tributes?"

"6. 8 including us."

"Okay. where do you think everyone's hiding." I ask walking towards the edge of the ally to look at the city.

"Probably the city. its safer." He says coming up behind me. I hear a scream and a loud FUMP . then a loud bang. silence follows.

"Mutts. or traps or something. we should go." I say. 5 other people left.

We walk about three blocks when I stop drake. I pick up a pebble and use my bow string as a sling shot. Two doors open as identical snakes slither out. Not just normal snakes. Huge, black snakes, giant white fangs dripping with yellow venom. I walk slowly forward motioning Jay to follow.

"I'll distract him you slice his head of." I whisper throwing him my sword. I notice he has one of Maria's spears as he catches the blade. I take out two of my throwing knives and walk slowly toward the first Snake. "Hey! Over here. Look at me! I'm over here." I shout waving my hands in the air. "Look at me you big, uh. Over here you leather tail!" I cringed at my try at  trash talking the Giant snake. I'm pretty sure if snakes could laugh this one just did. I run around in front of it trying to make it attack me thinking I could get away. I was wrong. The snake's giant fang skims my lower back and I cry out in pain.

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