Chapter 4

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For dinner we had chicken pot pie. It was pretty good but nothing can beat lasagna. I tried not to meat Hugo's pleading eyes until Haymitch gave the news. Haymitch finally cleared his throat. "It has come to the point where I think you should train separately. You will need to know how to fight alone if you get separated." He winks at meas he finishes.

"What! Why? I won't let her get separated." Hugo argues.

"I think it's not a bad idea." I say.

"what? No. We train together. That's final." He finishes.

"Yeah, but no. I'm Fine alone. Don't worry." I try to say in a reassuring voice.

"Yes. I know you're fine alone but I'm not." I says sheepishly.

"aw. how cute. but you can deal with it. That's final." I say moving onto a dessert of peach cobbler and vanilla ice cream. "When do we start Haymitch?" I ask as Hugo glares at me. I smile back at him.

When dinner was over Hugo pulled me into the living room. I crossed my arms and looked at him expectantly. "I know that it was your idea." he accuses me.

"No it was Haymitch's Idea I just agreed." I shoot back.

"Why?" he asks ready to break down. "I'm scared. you are too I can tell. we where supposed to help each other. How are we supposed to do that now?"

"I just need to deal with my problems. Alone" I say hugging myself.

"but you really don't I'm here, I can help." he says engulfing me in a hug. I try to push him off but he's a lot stronger than me.

"I need you Arya." He finishes. I choke on my next words.

"I am a 14 year old girl that you've know for a week. you don't know who I really am or who I want to be. You could be the first person I kill. I want to know you, maybe love you but I know I can't." I start crying again. Hugo tightens the hug. all of this is way to much for a fourteen year old girl to handle. Hugo hugs me closer. he has a tear run down his face. I take back what I said earlier, he won't be the first person I kill. And I can know him I want to. And this is to much for anyone to handle, ever. That's when I decided I would win no matter what. I would make the capital pay for what they did to our society. we are good people. I have proof. Katniss and I pick berries and laugh together. Gale gives me extra rabbit. Peeta gave me a job. Maria Said I was her best friend on day one and still makes me smile. I would make the capital pay for what it did to these people no matter what.

"Better?" Hugo asks, kissing my forehead.

"yes." I reply wiping my nose.

I walk to my room and Hugo follows I try to get him to leave but he won't. I take a shower and get dressed. Hugo was making a bed for himself on the ground.

"You can go back o your room, I'll be fine." I say mid yawn.

"No I can't. you will not be fine." He says in a tone that makes me shiver. I groan and walk out of the room. "where do you think you're going?" He shouts, I ignore him. I find Haymitch at the bar.

"am I aloud on ground level and basement?" I ask.

"Yeah as long as you don't leave the building." He answers. He had just gotten there his breath smelled clean still. I sprint out of the bar and into the basement training room. All the weapons are gone, but the lights still turn on automatically. I rush to climb the nearest rock wall. Once I get to the top I run over to the monkey bars. once across that I sit and look out the Giant window. It was around ten o'clock and the stars where all out.

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