Baby Mine

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Choromatsu and Todomatsu exits the room and let Osomatsu get beaten to a pulp by both Ichimatsu and Karamatsu. Upon leaving Choromatsu saw how dirty you and Jyushimatsu were, " Are you serious!? Jyushimatsu (Y/n)! How did you two get so muddy?! I told you to be careful out in the rain!" Then continues to scold Jyushimatsu for letting you get so muddy. "Sigh, well I guess we should get to the bath house since it's a good time for a nice warm bath." And with that everyone went to the bath house. Jyushimatsu decided to bring you some nice clothes and a new diaper along with some lotion and baby powder.
Osomatsu: God, Karamatsu did you seriously have to hit me so hard on my eye? You literally gave me a black eye!
Karamatsu: That all to teach you not to start bullshit. *Gasp* My darling I'm so sorry (y/n)!
Choromatsu: Karamatsu niisan she's one I'm pretty sure she doesn't know what that means yet.
Karamatsu: I know but saying curse words or any bad things around her I fear she'll learn it in the future.
Todomatsu: Are you an idiot? You guys really believe she won't ask what any of those words mean? Okay when she turns what? 10 and starts asking about certain curse words I'll tell her to look it up.
Osomatsu: Oh, such as words like: Sex, Bitch, Fuck, and what's a penis? Or what is cum? Or-
Osomatsu: What?
Jyushimatsu: You have zero shame * shakes head*
Ichimatsu: Agreed, like are you really gonna say this in front of (y/n)?
Choromatsu: Moron, thank heavens I covered her ears before she could hear any of what you just said.
Karamatsu: I'm inches away from beating you again because I'm not fighting in the bath house, no I'll kick your ass at home!
Once everyone was finished washing up and headed home to eat. Karamatsu punched Osomatsu in the face once they headed upstairs. Jyushimatsu put some cute wolf onesie on you and held you next to him. It was getting late so everyone decided to sleep ( they've already ate ).
Choromatsu was woken up by you making a little cry in your sleep so as Jyushimatsu heard you as well. You dreaming that you were all alone and that no one was near you. Jyushimatsu didn't know what lullaby will help you sleep but came up with one that will calm you down.
Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part
Baby of mine

Little one, when you play
Don't you mind what they say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear
Baby of mine

From your head to your toes ( Baby mine )
You're so sweet, goodness knows ( Baby mine )
You are so precious to me
Cute as can be
Baby of mine

Baby mine
Baby mine~
( Dumbo: Baby Mine love that one)

And with that you had fallen back to sleep, Jyushimatsu had a feeling that would make you sleepy since that lullaby would make even the darkest person cry yet feel at ease. Jyushimatsu closed his eyes and fell asleep along with you kissing you on the forehead. The others were rather shocked they had never heard Jyushimatsu sing so beautiful before yet it even made Karamatsu cry, made Ichimatsu cry as well. Even though you were sleeping the dream you once had was no more but a joyful dreamland.

Matsuno Brothers x baby readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora