Don't be greedy

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You and Jyushimatsu were eating candy while watching TV. Osomatsu was reading a porno magazine so to keep you from seeing it he read it upstairs. Choromatsu was out along with Todomatsu, Karamatsu was upstairs taking a warm bubble bath, and Ichimatsu was playing with ESP kitty. It may have been a chilly day but they'll manage. You loved the taste of ( favorite candy ) in your mouth. The different flavors it was like a party in you mouth, Jyushimatsu on the other hand was stuffing his mouth with lollipops and gummy bears. It was a gift from Karamatsu since you loved you both so much that he bought two big bags of candy.

Meanwhile with Osomatsu
" Ahh~ Man it would be nice to finally lose my virginity. Hmm I wonder if the others are bisexual? I mean Todomatsu might be gay but I guess I never bothered to ask. Heh I know I'm bi I can fuck anyone." Osomatsu was actually in a great mood just horny as always. Osomatsu decided to call Choromatsu but it would seem that he was already there.
Choromatsu: What?
Osomatsu: Are you bi?
Choromatsu: Eh?
Osomatsu: Are you bisexual? Or straight?
Choromatsu: Um....Why do you ask? Of course I'm straight-
Osomatsu: Nah you're bisexual because I caught you playing with yourself in the bathroom.
Choromatsu: That was one time! And w-why do always get boners when I'm here!?
Osomatsu: Oh because I just love you so much! And mind helping me~?
Choromatsu: N-No! Besides (y/n)'s downstairs-
Osomatsu: Jyushimatsu will watch her plus I have you all to myself~
Choromatsu: G-Get away from me!
Osomatsu: Ah~ Why don't you come play with me~?
Choromatsu: Ahh~

Back to you and Jyushimatsu
You were already stuffed with candy yet you wanted more. Jyushimatsu however decided to close his bag and go play baseball. But he didn't wanna leave you alone but also he knew how sneaky you were so to make sure you don't try and grab one, Jyushimatsu puts it at the top of the shelf. " Okay (y/n) I'll go but you don't have to worry I know Osomatsu and Choromatsu Niisan will watch you! Okay bye bye!" And with that you were left with both Choromatsu and Osomatsu. You got up ( wiggling ) and tried to find a way to get there. So you grabbed the nearest tool and tried to reach the bag.
" AAaaaaaaaa!" You screamed. " Move! (Y/n)! I'm coming!" Choromatsu pushed Osomatsu and ran downstairs. " (y/n)! Are you okay. Huh? Oh you were trying get some candy? Didn't Karamatsu give a bag before he left?" Choromatsu gently picks you up and takes you upstairs. " I find it funny that you hurried out of here just to see if (y/n) was ok, yet you managed to leave with no clothes on. Isn't that hilarious, Fappymatsu?" Osomatsu Says as he puts a bandaid on your arm and knee. " W-Well I had to see if she was okay! Besides at least we're here otherwise she would've gotten even more hurt. *GASP* What she cut her little head or broken her legs?! Aaaaa Now I'm overthinking it. A-And you put some clothes on you moron!" Choromatsu says as he gently kisses your forehead. " Fine,and you do it too." Osomatsu says smirking.

Karamatsu came home with a face that could make Ichimatsu cringe.
Karamatsu: Brothers! It's almost Christmas and we need to get (y/n) something!
Todomatsu: Will you shut the hell up! Jeez, she's sleeping-
Karamatsu: I know, but it's time!
Choromatsu: * Covers your ears * For what?
Karamatsu: Time to shop!
Ichimatsu: Maybe tomorrow.
Karamatsu: Non,non,Non Ichimatsu-
Ichimatsu: * Grabs Karamatsu wrist tightly* Shittymatsu....I swear to god if you wake her up. I will break both your of wrists so you can't play with your precious guitar. Following behind those stupid shirts of yours...
Karamatsu: Y-Yes brother...💦
Ichimatsu: And don't touch me....

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