Too scary

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It was nighttime and everyone was sound asleep, well almost everyone. You however, were still awake unable to sleep you turned to see your fathers sleeping peacefully except Choromatsu who was ten seconds away from punching Osomatsu. What made you scared was the fact that it was too dark in the room, the moon was hidden under the clouds and the wind blew like it was howling. Suddenly, you heard a knock on the door. You crawled out of covers and made you're way to the door. Upon opening it you saw what you were hoping your grandfather or grandmother but it was neither of them.

???: Hello (Y/n)~
You: ?
???: Aw you don't recognize me?

???: Hello (Y/n)~You: ????: Aw you don't recognize me?

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( Art not mine )

You wanted to scream but then someone else grabbed you.

( Art not mine )Kitsune Osomatsu: Oi! Bastard! I saw her first! Grrr💢Oni Osomatsu: What makes you think she wants to be with you, fucker?!💢Kitsune Osomatsu: Because you smell like both blood and death

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( Art not mine )
Kitsune Osomatsu: Oi! Bastard! I saw her first! Grrr💢
Oni Osomatsu: What makes you think she wants to be with you, fucker?!💢
Kitsune Osomatsu: Because you smell like both blood and death.
Oni Osomatsu: I'm gonna kill, you me back my daughter!
Kitsune Osomatsu: Your daughter?! Ha she's mine!
You: Wahhh! Wahhhh! Daddy!
Oni Osomatsu: Oh sweetheart, it's okay.
Kitsune Osomatsu: Oh darling it's okay, Shh shh.

Both Osomatsu's: Shit!

Poseidon Karamatsu: Give her to me, Osomatsu.
Kitsune Osomatsu: Oh fuck off Shittymatsu.
Ichimatsu: Oi!
All of them: Shit * poof *
Ichimatsu: Ugh, what was all that noise?
You: Wahhh! Wahhhh! D-Daddy!
Ichimatsu: (Y/n)?! Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?
Ichimatsu picks you up then takes you back to bed. You rest on his chest as you hear his heart beating, the sound of it soothes you. To make you feel better Ichimatsu kissed you on your forehead and made sure you were warm. It wasn't long before another yokai had appeared. This time it was an ao andon, he truly loved you and despite him looking just like Karamatsu he was more dark then you could ever imagine. To make sure he didn't disturb Ichimatsu, he simply grabs you holding you close as you sleep.

Ao Andon Karamatsu: Oh my little firefly, may you sleep in my arms~ Such a pretty child oh for I wish you could live with me and my brothers. Your ( e/c ) shine brighter than the moon, your ( h/c ) is soft as silk, and just as your skin. If only I could visit you without needing to hide myself. (Y/n)..... I will come back and take you to a place of dreams and wishes~. Maybe tomorrow? Non non, it would be too soon. Maybe now? Oh I'll have them look for her.......Soon very soon my little dove.....For now I must leave you. * kisses*

There will be a part 2

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There will be a part 2...

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