Osomatsu-San Movie ( I saw it and I loved it )

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I have never cried or laughed so hard in my life maybe many of times but this was just a wonderful and beautiful movie. I had a feeling Karamatsu had something to do with it. When I see them I asked myself, how are these young men still NEETS? Like let's talk about Osomatsu.
Osomatsu: The oldest, the shitty eldest brother, the whiniest out of all, and his goofy smile. When I first saw him I just figured maybe Osomatsu was like this because he was being himself and that's what it was. Yeah, he's the oldest but when he sees his little brothers it's like he wants to be with them till the end.

Karamatsu: This is a handsome, painful, and funny young man yet he is someone I wonder. I feel like Karamatsu tries to hard to be cool yet he already is cool just by being himself. Everyone may ignore him or call him painful but deep down they still love him. That's his adult self, his 18 year old self is something I didn't expect. That Karamatsu looked more shy and more like a timid person. That scene during the graduation, I was like why are they fighting during they're graduation when Karamatsu just wanted to tell them about the letter. ( At first I thought it was a letter to college) However, in the end he managed to do something before it was too late.

Choromatsu: Not gonna lie, Choromatsu is one funny frog-boy. Seeing how when he was 18 and seeing that he would probably just read dirty mags in class then study. I guess that's how he got that F on his test, ( Oh who am I to talk I also have an Fs in my Math class and Spanish but at least I'm trying so I won't take in next year in 10th grade.) The way he started getting embarrassed was just cute and funny. However that talk he gave to his 18 year old self was just precious and that's how you do it Choromatsu.

Ichimatsu: I never would've thought that Ichimatsu was giving his old high school friends high fives and hanging with them. But then I when I saw that it was because everyone was getting tired of seeing them always around each other. And I'm not surprised that they kept getting they're names mixed up, but maybe Ichimatsu did it to have them stop confusing him with his brothers. And in the movie it looks as if he was trying a bit too hard trying to smile and have a good time. You just do you Ichimatsu.

Jyushimatsu: Jyushimatsu was just being himself and I mean truly being himself but I didn't think he could be so scary with an angry face. I mean even if he was pretending he was still showing that big smile. Now at first I thought that maybe Jyushimatsu smiled to hide his pain but now I understand that he's just being himself. He is one baseball loving guy.

Todomatsu: Totty did look really cute as an 18 year old but damn who would've think he was always around Choromatsu so much. I love seeing them around it's actually cute. But I guess Todomatsu got really annoyed by how his younger self was acting and that even he said that it looked uncute.

These scenes...

I swear this didn't look right but I still laughed anyway, Karamatsu trying to get the letter from his 18 year old self

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I swear this didn't look right but I still laughed anyway, Karamatsu trying to get the letter from his 18 year old self. Seeing him with freckles was just cute.

Ichimatsu! What the hell are you wearing?! That is one kinky outfit and it's actually something I would actually seeing him wear just not in public but maybe at home

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Ichimatsu! What the hell are you wearing?! That is one kinky outfit and it's actually something I would actually seeing him wear just not in public but maybe at home. I bet his 18 year old self is slightly disgusted about what his adult self wearing that outfit. Still fucking funny though.

They're both calling each other Dumbasses and it's funny as hell

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They're both calling each other Dumbasses and it's funny as hell. Like you can clearly see how mad they are. Jyushimatsu being Jyushimatsu.

Takahashi: She was a very sweet person and I believe that she might've been the only one that actually loved them. I actually started crying when I saw her, lying there I'm assuming a hospital bed. At least she gotta chance to be with before she passed away. Seeing her ghost actually made me realize that she was the cat, I had a feeling that we've been seeing her the whole time. A very sweet girl and maybe when we get a season 3 maybe just maybe we'll see the cat. ( Like as a cat).

Now if you haven't seen it then you are missing out! *howl* ( No seriously it's on YouTube or Crunchyroll I however couldn't get my account straight so I'm so glad someone on Twitter that it was on YouTube but watch it before YouTube be bitch about it.)

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