Who wants a puppy? Part 2

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Surprise: Shiba-Inu won!!!
Now I'm gonna do a little crossover by having a Jojo Bizarre Adventure character, since it's a Shiba-Inu I will say there were 1 for the husky, doberman, and a cat meaning that the Matsu bro's will have pets and I can see Ichimatsu getting along with a dog since well Jyushimatsu wears a dog costume. Anyway on with the story.
Edit: Sorry for taking so long, it's school and no the work isn't hard ( well not for my other 3 classes it's just for my 1st block is a pain especially if you already know how to type!) But yes so sorry for the hold up
After what felt like forever the boys worked hard for getting you a puppy, Karamatsu worked through day to sunset. Osomatsu made sure that there was enough money by working at a restaurant, Jyushimatsu using his crazy ideas by looking for money the fun way. Ichimatsu tried the " Cat Cafe " again, by working from sunset to night, you already know about Todomatsu and Choromatsu was working at the Bookstore. Everyone was pinching in, you and the other hand was so excited that you could hardly calm down. You were in you pillow fort imagining all the fun you could have with it.
In case you're wondering or already know this, a Shiba-Inu puppy costs more than a $1,000.

Karamatsu: Alright, * pants * I think that we have enough.
Osomatsu: Yeah...I'm bushed.
Todomatsu: * tired *
Choromatsu: Okay, we are ready. Jyushimatsu you are in charge of watching (Y/n) while we go get the puppy.
Jyushimatsu: Aye-Aye captain!

It was time for the others to head to the Pet Shop to give you a puppy. Now Despite the boys being hella tired they still wanna get you a puppy, it was Choromatsu idea. There were many different pets dogs, cats, birds, fishes, hamsters, and many more. " So many pets and they even have cats here too Ichimatsu." Osomatsu said to Ichimatsu who was trying his hardest not do anything that would get them kicked out. What was that you asked? Stealing all those cats and freeing them of course. Once they've reached the area of where you could adopt a pet they were ready to get it, money ready and ready to go home.

Lady: Good evening, Gentlemen how may I help you?
Choromatsu: We would like to adopt a puppy, ma'am.
Lady: Oh of course come with me.

Walking around the counter to a slightly rusty door

Lady: Well here we are! We have a few puppies that just came in yesterday, we have a Boxer, German Shepherd, Shiba-Inu, and what was a shocker Twins of Golden Retriever-mix breeds. Oh they're so cute. Oh sorry about that you may pick whichever you like.

Karamatsu: Hmm, oh one question?
Lady: Yes?
Karamatsu: You said that they're were only a few that came in yesterday but I've noticed that there are four other cages are empty.
Lady: Oh that was from yesterday sorry about that, you see the others were bought in what? After ten minutes by a man named uh...shot can't recall his name but he looks similar to you guys kinda.
Karamatsu: Oh that's okay just curious.
Lady: That's fine.

After looking around for a few minutes a decision was made. They would get the Shiba-Inu! Osomatsu and the others pitched in and got the puppy, before they left each matsu got a food bowl & water bowl, a collar, some food, and lastly a chew toy for the time being. Now it was finally time to go home...

At Home
" Oh (Y/n)! We have your puppy!" You heard Choromatsu say as you sprung with excitement. You ran down the stairs, into the living, and there he was your very own puppy. Now of course the boys would help you raise him but it felt like you've made a new friend. " Um where's Jyushi?" Asked Ichimatsu. " Here I am Niisan!!!" You were so curious about what puppy it was or what color. Osomatsu opened the cage and it was a small Shiba-Inu, he was black, had a few white spots, he had a scarf that was blue with a peace sign and heart on it, and lastly his eyes were a light blue.

Todomatsu: Well? (Y/n) do you wanna pet him?
You petted him and before you knew it he was already kissing you back
Karamatsu: Well I take that as a yes.
Osomatsu: *Yawn* Yes to what?
Karamatsu: He loves her already.
Choromatsu: What should we name him?
Jyushimatsu: Sonic!
Choromatsu: No, you always go for that.
Ichimatsu: Sasuke?
Karamatsu: Hmm, how about Karamatsu jr?
Everyone else: No!
Todomatsu: How about Goku?
Choromatsu: No, seriously be creative.
Todomatsu: I was being creative!
Choromatsu: Didn't sound like it.
You: I has idea * scribbles a names * J O S U K E.
Osomatsu: Josuke? Josuke sounds like a good name!
Karamatsu: Heh~ I agree.
Choromatsu: Me too better than Todomatsu's and Jyushimatsu's ideas.
Both: Oi!

Osomatsu: Welcome to the family, Josuke!
Josuke: Bark! :)

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