You've been caught! Part 1

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If you were ever caught watching porn...The Eldest sons are first

You: *Watching hentai*
Osomatsu: Oi! The hell are you doing, (y/n)!
You: N-nothing Dad!
Osomatsu: So, you think that when my back is turned you can just watch porn?!
You: Ummm...yeah?
Osomatsu: Well I'm taking this, and this, this too.
You: Dad wait! I need my laptop and my phone!
Osomatsu: Too bad, thinking your 18 and you can just watch shit like this? Oh you grounded for 3 months.
You: Shit! * Covers mouth *
Osomatsu: Make that 4 months.

Karamatsu: * Gasp * (Y/n)!
You: Crap not again.
Karamatsu: What's my angel doing on this website? Watching porn knowing your NOT anywhere near 18 yet!
You: D-dad calm down! I wasn't gonna watch it for long I mean I just got curious what sex was.
Karamatsu: So? You're not old enough to be on here!
You: But-
Karamatsu: Young lady, I'll give 3 seconds to get off that website and give me your phone!
You: Nope, not this time Shittymatsu!

Karamatsu: So? You're not old enough to be on here!You: But-Karamatsu: Young lady, I'll give 3 seconds to get off that website and give me your phone!You: Nope, not this time Shittymatsu!Karamatsu:

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You: Y-yes sir...💦

Choromatsu: (y/n), get the fuck off that porno magazine!
You: Um let me think: No.
Choromatsu: So you have chosen death, then I shall give the punishment of many punishments. No Twitter, Tumblr, Games, or even Animal Crossing New Horizon or Minecraft for a year.


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