Chapter 1

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( Aika's POV )

Ring ring ring.....'urghhhhhh!' Ring ring ring. I picked up my blue phone and answered "what?" I asked coldly.

[Oh, sorry if I wake you up Aika, I just want you to remember that your going to your brothers' home so prepared your things and yourself. That's all, bye..] My father said but before I could reply, the line was off. Oh yeah! That's right.

My father already found his soon-to-be-wife and my soon-to-be-mother. Her name was Miwa Asahina. My father also told me that she has a 13 sons. At first, I was shocked, but I think I can get used to it. I am also excited for tomorrow because I will have a new family.

"Chi, who called you?" Juli asked. Oh, and Juli is my pet squirrel that can talk, but actually, I'm the only one who can understands him. He also have a gray fur and have a pink polka dots ribbon on his neck. "Oh, it's just father." I replied with a smile. Juli was always there for me, and he always protected me.

I got up from bed and went to the bathroom to take a bath and brush my teeth. When I'm finished, I picked a purple shirt with black blazer and a shorts and a rubber shoes and my necklace. My necklace was my mother's necklace. She gave it to me before she died, so it is very important to me. Then I started packing all of my things. Father is always at work so he didn't have that much time for me but he always calls and texted me, so I'm okay with it. While packing, I put my purple headphones on my ears and started to listen to songs. Juli was also helping me to pack.

After 3 hours of packing...

I lay down on my bed with Juli because of tiredness. It's very hard to pack things by me and Juli, but it's okay. I let my headphones, hanged on my neck and then I picked out some book to read.

While reading, my mind relaxed, as well as my body. When I look at the clock, it says 1:35 pm and me and Juli still not yet eating. So I gave Juli some of his foods and then, I started to cook food for myself.

When I'm done cooking, I started eating it. Then I went to my room again to read. I also saw Juli, sleeping on my bed, maybe because he's to tired for helping me.

I look at the clock once again and saw that it's already 5:00 pm. And I also finished my book so I decided to go outside the house and went on the nearby park. I sat on the bench while looking at the setting sun 'I can finally meet my mother and brothers tomorrow....I wish they would like me....' I thought while looking at the children playing on the grass. After the sun has set, I decided to go to my home. When I open the door, I saw a lot of boxes that full of my things.

"CHI!!!!! Where have you been!?!" Juli asked with a concerned/angry face. "Don't worry Juli, I just went to a nearby park to have a fresh air. I wanted you to come but it's rude of me if I wake you up from your peaceful slumber." I replied with a smile then I saw his face was softened and then I go to my room to sleep....But I can't sleep! Maybe because I'm just excited for tomorrow. I went on the balcony to have a fresh air.

Then I remember that this house and this place is where I'm born. This is the house where I lived with mother and father. And we were so happy back then,.... But all of a sudden, My mother died because of a car accident. And this place is where I change...................I go to my bed and then I fall asleep with tears in my eyes.


"CHI!!!!!!!!!! This is the day! So get up!" Juli yelled. "Urgghhh, just give me 5 minutes!" I said. "It's already 9:00 in the morning!!!!!" Juli yelled again. 'Wait, 9:00? I am supposed to go there at 11:00!' I thought as I got up quickly and go to the bathroom...

After I went to the bathroom, I tried to picked some dress but I realized that I put my dresses in the box. So I just wear a white shirt with a yellow blazer and a skinny jeans with a blue flats and I put my hair into a high ponytail.

Time skipped.....(10:30 am)

All the box was brought to the new house and only me and Juli were left. I go outside the house and took a one last look. Then, tears were surrounded in my eyes. I quickly wiped it off and go to find some taxi cab.

I finally found one and we (with Juli) go inside the cab. 'Sunrise Residence huh....' I thought. I get another book from my bag and began to read it quietly while Juli was falling asleep on my lap.

Minutes later........

"Ma'am, we're here." The taxi man said. I look outside and saw a huge house, no, more like a mansion! "Is this the Sunrise Residence?" I asked. "Yes ma'am." He replied. Then I wake Juli up and then we walk towards the front gate. On the side of the gate, I saw a Sunrise Residence sign. I noticed that the gate was open so we go inside.

As we walk inside, we saw a garden that has a different kinds of flower. 'Wow, it's really beautiful!' I thought. Then we reached the front door of the house. I raised my hand and then ring the door bell. Ding Dong........

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