How It All Started

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Chapter 1 [Edited]

Sometimes I wish something extraordinary would just happen...

(Y/N) was just an ordinary boy, with (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (y/s) clothes. You never got noticed much in school, but you didn't mind since you liked the attention but didn't.

It depended on the situation.

It was your excuse, but in reality, you were just complicated. At first, you liked the attention, but as you grew, you found that getting attention wasn't worth it anymore. Most attention you received wasn't good anyway, like getting humiliated in front of the class for staring off into space. You couldn't help that your daydreams were more interesting than calculus. You daydreamed a lot to escape reality. The reality was just so dull, and your day felt like it was on repeat. Wake up, get dressed, go to school, go home, sleep. So your daydreams about becoming a superhero going on adventures all the time were a constant occurrence in your brain.

Even in the present, you were daydreaming while watching your window where heavy raindrops decorated the outside of it. Your parents were in the front seats, your mother driving, and your father was sleeping in the passenger seat. You didn't feel like sleeping, your daydreams keeping you awake. The cons about moving into the city are swarming your mind like bees at a hive. You lost all your friends, your two-story house, and close family members that lived close.

All because of mom's new job at a place called TCRI? Yeah...

Of course, you didn't blame your mother. She was brilliant and a caring mom. Even though she worked a lot, she always found time to be with you, for which you were grateful.

But she could be sometimes overbearing and nosy.

Like the time she tried to listen to your friend's conversation when they came over for video games. Some drama happened with your ex, and your friends supported you by being at your side. Your mom, however, had the same idea in mind. You've talked to her about eavesdropping because it just got worse as you grew, and after the long emotional talk with her, she started to back down. But she did have her moments. Your father was another story. He didn't graduate high school, so it was hard for him to find a job. But he manages. Your father is a handyman, and he may not have academics to prove how smart he is. He had another way of showing his smarts. Your father had a ton of street smarts and has helped your family avoid bad situations ever since you were a kid. On a family vacation when you were five, your dad negotiated with a local on getting them a good deal on tires since your RV got a flat. He caught people trying to scam you and your mom, saved you from getting run over while daydreaming, and talked his way into getting what he wanted. He was quick on his feet and good with people. Since he was a handyman, he got jobs at building houses, painting, tiling, plumbing, etc.

You get mesmerized by the rain outside the window and lean against it. You managed to snap out of your daydream of your parents to acknowledge the increasing and mesmerizing shower pelting your window. The sound always made you feel at peace, and you find yourself dozing off to it.


"(Y/N)! Wake up, hurry, look outside!" Your mother yelled to you, shaking you with one of her hands while the other was driving. You wake up with a yawn and sit up, wiping the dried drool from the side of your mouth. You rub the sleep out of your eyes and crack your now sore neck from the wrong rest position. Your dazed eyes trail up to the car's windshield and widen at sight. New York City stood in the distance with the sun setting on the horizon. Many colors of the sunset mixed at the horizon: yellow, orange, pink, and purple, which made for a beautiful sight. The rain had decreased to light sprinkles which made it easier to see. "Isn't it neat, (Y/N)?" Your father responds groggily, having also just woken up. He was staring at the giant city in front of him. You just nod at the sight, your face expressionless.

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