Giant Rat?

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(Y/N)= Your Name

(e/c)= Eye Color

(h/c)= Hair Color

(y/s)= Your Style

(f/f)= Favorite Food

(f/d)= Favorite Drink

(o/t)= Old Town's Name

(f/t)= Favorite Pizza Toppings

Chapter 4 [Edited]

From the last chapter...

"My brothers won't give up. They'll rescue your parents from the Kranng and make sure they don't capture anyone else ever again. I promise you (Y/N)."

I hope you're right, Mikey. God, I really hope you're right.


This can't get any worse...

The turtles that left to save your parents came back about an hour later, looking incredibly guilty. You had perked when they jumped on the rooftop you and Mikey resided on, but the hope you had suddenly disappeared seeing their guilty expressions. Your eyes swelled with tears, and you looked down, refusing to let them see you cry. Mikey bites his lip, giving you such an empathetic look. He rubs your back slowly to comfort you, knowing words wouldn't be enough right now. The turtles looked at each other, besides Raph. He was tense and off to the side. He preferred to be guilty without looking at you because that only worsened it. They let more people get taken from the Kranng, and they couldn't feel more responsible. They didn't know what to say for a long moment, your broken state in front of them making them hesitate to utter a single word. After a couple of tense seconds, you start to calm yourself forcefully. You wanted to know what happened, so you raise your head to look at them with red puffy eyes, asking them. Leo mentally gulps, and he looks at you with sympathetic eyes and tells you the details of your request.

They did well in following the van because the Kranng vans didn't go very fast. Kranng determined the turtles to find their hideout in the hope of rescuing the other person they let get captured by the Kranng. However, everything went downhill when the Kranng turned into a seemingly ordinary parking garage. The turtles snuck inside quickly, but once there, they saw nothing. It was just a standard garage with beat-up-looking cars, lockers, and an old vending machine. Dust covered the garage, so nobody had been there for a while. The turtles investigated the garage top through the bottom, determined to find how they just up and disappeared. They had no luck, the van they took wasn't even there, and they had no clues or the proper tools to investigate further. So to your knowledge, they were just gone.

You take a shaky breath and look back down, looking lost. You felt lost. You didn't know what to do now. Your parents had no siblings, and both sides of your grandparents had passed on. You couldn't go anywhere else; your parents were literally all you had left. You were on your hands and knees with Mikey kneeling beside you. You slowly clench your fists with emotion, your knuckles turning white. Mikey pats your back to get your attention. It works, and you glance at him with glossy eyes, ready to cry again. He gives you a soft yet determined look, smiling sadly to try and cheer you up.

"We'll get your parents back, dude. Right guys?" Mikey looks back at his brothers, giving them a look you couldn't see from your position.

Leo nods, his face turning hard with determination, and walks over. He kneels a bit in front of you and looks you in the eyes. He wanted to give you hope and couldn't do that by looking guilty. Leo had to be brave and give his team the hope and determination they needed.

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