chapter 13 singing

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Whatch the vid it's hilarious straight up

Fish heads, fish heads, roly-poly fish heads, fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!"

Eddie jolted awake and groaned, lifting his head off his pillow and turning to glare at his symbiote, who had formed his serpentine head out of Eddie's shoulder. "Really, V? It's too early for this."

"Well, you smashed your noisy clock so I had to wake you up SOMEHOW, lazybones. It's seven-thirty in the morning, you need a shower because you stink, and we're hungry."

Eddie groaned again. Venom just HAD to be a morning parasite. "C'mon, just five more minutes."

"Not a parasite! And no! It's time to wake up." Venom then smirked. "Unless you want us to start singing again. In the morning, laughing, happy fish heads. In the evening..."

"All right, fine, I'm getting up!" Eddie protested as he sat up. "Who the hell taught you songs like this anyway?"

"Internet. What else am I supposed to do when you're asleep?"

Eddie rolled his eyes though hid a smile at his Other's dorky antics as he got out of bed. As he turned to get a sip of water from the glass he kept on his nightstand, he spotted something much less appealing resting on it.

A huge gray fish head, its bugged out eyes blankly staring at him as a few flies swarmed around it.

"VENOM!" he yelled, causing his symbiote to burst out laughing.



It came as very little surprise to Eddie when he woke to this a few weeks later.

"I have a sad story to tell you; it may hurt you feelings a bit. Last night when I walked into my bathroom, I stepped in a big pile of sh-Shaving cream! Be nice and clean! Shave every day and you'll always look keen!"

"Morning already?" Eddie groaned a little, but didn't mind as much as he once did. "And I suppose you're hinting for me to shave too?" He rubbed the stubble on his cheeks.

"Maybe." Venom teased and extended his serpentine head, giving Eddie an affectionate boop on the nose. "Morning, Eddie."

Eddie nuzzled him in return. "Morning bud." He climbed out of bed, stretching and yawning, then burst out laughing as he saw the can of shaving cream resting on his nightstand. "You're such a weirdo, V."

"You know you love us for it." Venom said smugly.

Eddie blushed, ducked his head, and couldn't find the words to answer.

But he didn't have to. Venom knew anyway.


And only a couple mornings after that at eight o' clock on Eddie's day off, he woke up to an extremely hyper symbiote.

"Baby, I love Rocky Road! So weren't you gonna buy half a gallon? Baby, I love Rocky Road, so have another triple scoop with me!"

Venom had formed a set of clawed black hands along with his head and was holding one of the gallons of Rocky Road Eddie had gotten for him, spooning ice cream into his mouth as his head bobbed along to the song. Venom had discovered the song yesterday and begged Eddie for some Rocky Road ice cream to try. It was better than heads, so Eddie was happy to pick some up. And of course Venom had loved it.

Eddie chuckled softly. Work had been extremely stressful and his goof of a partner somehow always knew how to cheer him up. He had really needed the laugh, and he knew Venom knew it too.

Laptop so that Venom could watch shows in bed while Eddie slept. $200

Headset: $10

Gallon of Rocky Road ice cream: $5.99

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