chapter 32 "Stop it"

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Banleighh requested some smut while venom and eddie are in public and I thought this one would be amazing

(Ps follow my second account where I'll be doing X-reader stories for horror characters if yall wanna see that XxShavonnexX2 )

You’re mine, Eddie, don’t ever forget that. We belong to each other. These other puny humans mean nothing to me - let them watch, if they like.

He can feel his cock hardening beneath his clothes as one of Venom’s tendrils works him in its pulsing grip. The door hisses closed and the train starts to move again. The man next to Eddie is inching away, buying him just enough space for Venom to take over Eddie’s legs and plant them wider apart. Better access. Fuck. This is happening and there’s nothing Eddie can do to escape, nothing he can do to stop his deranged fucking symbiote from reaming his ass on a packed subway car.

‘Please stop,’ he says, already knowing it’ll do no good. Venom is tapped into his nervous system. He can feel what Eddie’s feeling, can feel the blood rushing to his cock and his face as those soft, smooth tendrils work their relentless magic.

You don’t want me to stop, Eddie. You’re enjoying this as much as I am.

'Not in public, Venom, fuck.'

While the new tentacles stroke his cock and balls, the first one is pushing deeper inside. His ass is stretching, unprepared and burning from the friction. Clenching does no good. Relaxing does no good. He’s tight as a goddamn vacuum seal but Venom is relentless, thrusting inside inch by painful inch until the tentacle is deep enough to work his prostate with its nimble tip. By now he wasn't surprised when he got strange looks but Eddie was grateful most people had headphones or minded there own business.

A high-pitched whine escapes Eddie’s throat. Now the passenger on his other side is edging away.

He’s going to come apart with all these total strangers looking on in bewilderment and there’s nothing, nothing he can do to make it stop.

Don’t worry, Eddie, Venom rumbles. I’ll stop it for you, right on the brink. You don’t have to worry about dirtying your jeans.

‘If you think I care about my fucking jeans–’

The nice old lady pauses in her knitting. ‘Oh, dear,’ Eddie hears her say to the person beside her.

The tentacle thrusts deeper, expanding, thickening, and Eddie’s so full he’s going to cry. It hurts. It feels good. "This is so humiliating". And there are still half a dozen stops to go before his destination. He doesn’t know if he’s going to able to walk by then.

I’ll walk for you.

‘Fuck you,’ Eddie moans.

No, Eddie. It is I who will fuck you.

The tentacle plunges deeper still, and Eddie can’t help it
he cries aloud as hot, sick pleasure-pain overwhelms his weak grip on dignity.

And almost jumped out of the bus and began speed walking home "I swear to fucking god venom I'm going to put you in a test tube'

'If you can remember before we get

Boom done sorry it's not really long like all my other one shots but I was fighting this while I was on my zoom class and my teacher was like
"Get off you're phone in class!" Every five minutes

Also follow my insta XxshavonnexX2
For more artwork see ya later stay safe also #BlackLivesMatter

Also follow my insta XxshavonnexX2For more artwork see ya later stay safe also #BlackLivesMatter

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