volleyball & confession

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(your POV)

This sucks this really really sucks. It wasn't bad enough that what happened with Kaguya and Yuzuru a few minutes ago. Speaking of which I still had to finish with them which meant more moaning and them trying to put me on 4th base. Oh yeah if anyone has been watching or been paying attention to my life right now I would have hit more bases then the most famous baseball player on a good day. But the reason why this is so much worse now is because Origami & Tohka are now here with us, it helped a bit that Shido was also here but he looks just as bad as I did.

"You went through some dramatic stuff too huh?"- (y/n)

"Yes, and I don't want to talk about it."- Shido

"I feel your pain."- (y/n)

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Origami in a white swimsuit and it's actually nice.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Origami in a white swimsuit and it's actually nice

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"Hey (y/n) stai andando bene? sembri un po 'stressato per qualcosa."- Origami

Oh I guess she's been working on her Italian. She said 'hey (y/n) are you doing all right? you seem to be a bit stressed about something' and perfectly to but I wonder.

"Non mi preoccupo per me origami, starò bene. come stai, a proposito?"- (y/n)

"...um ......che cosa?"- Origami

"Ahahahahaha...I see that you can speak it quite fine but you just can't understand it at least a long sentences that is."- (y/n)

Origami holds her head down in shame and I can't help but feel a little bad so I pet her head to try and light the mood up.

"Hey your trying and that's what counts. Oh and I like your swimsuit."- (y/n)

"*Smiles* thanks oh and. Riguardo la scorsa notte mi dispiace ma il mio cuore appartiene ancora a Shido. ma, non mi dispiacerebbe se dovessimo provare qualcosa almeno una volta."- Origami

( Translation: about last night I'm sorry but my heart still belongs to Shido. but, I wouldn't mind if we where to try something at least once)

Origami looks away from me with a slight blush on her face and and me giving her a WTF face. I mean yeah it's in Italian so they can't understand it but you can't just say that stuff out in the open. I mean I thought she was only cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs over Shido, unless this is that whole experimental phase I've heard about. Where someone wants to try new things with a different person, not to mention Shido did say that they aren't necessarily dating it's just origami thinking they are. Wait a minute why am I even trying to make heads or tails out of this situation, I don't want to do anything with Origami. Thankfully Tohka put in her two cents and thank God she did I have no idea what to do what with Origami said.

 Thankfully Tohka put in her two cents and thank God she did I have no idea what to do what with Origami said

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