A day with Yoshino

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This is basically a filler, but it's part of the story it was when you where there for the first 2 weeks.

(Your POV)

'Okay so this isn't all that bad.'- (y/n)

So it's been 2 days since I've been in this house/apartment, and I've got to say it's not bad. Get free money, free bed, and roof, not to mention I'm getting to know new people. Shido is cool, his sister is bipolar I guess, Tohka is.... interesting, which leaves Yoshino and Yoshinon there okay but, shy. I'm actually just making some Spaghetti Carbonara with Prawns, an Italian dish I don't know why but, cooking seems to calm me down. which would be working now if I didn't have the feeling someone is freaking watching me. I sharply turn around and throw a spoon at the entrance to my kitchen and heard a yelp and a tump.

"Wait a minute?"- (y/n)

I walked to the entrance and saw Yoshino with Yoshinon. Why are they here wait, how did they get into my ho- oh right Kotori's master key. I helped her up and asked why she was here and Yoshinon answered with it was her turn to keep an eye on me. You know I'm actually glad she is because if it was Tohka she would have eaten the whole thing.

"You know, Yoshino why don't you tell me about you."- (y/n)

"H-huh!? I'm sorry I-I don't know what to say!"- Yoshino

"Hey, easy now I'm not going to hurt you. I don't have any reason to, Shido told me my you prefer to let yoshinon talk for you. You can be yourself around me, trust me I know 2 people who argue like a lot."- (y/n)

I can tell she's a bit nervous but that's everybody when they try to make a good first impression. Honestly I wasn't really expecting her to be open with me at first but, hey baby steps.

"Um.... well I.... I like sweets."- Yoshino

"Oh really? That cool I like sweets too mostly chocolate.... Hey have you ever had chocolate milk before?"- (y/n)

"Chocolate milk? No, what is it?"- Yoshino

"It's basically milk but, it tastes exactly like chocolate."- (y/n)

"Really!?"- Yoshino

"Yeah, wait here."- (y/n)

Okay this is good progress, it's nice to see that she's actually talking and not using the puppet. I started to walk back into my kitchen and grab a small cup for her. Then I proceeded to go to the refrigerator and pull up a carton of milk chocolate milk to be precise. After I finished pouring her a cup I put the carton back in the refrigerator and walked back to Yoshino. She looked at it funny because it was brown, I guess she was thinking it was going to be white I should have been more specific on what it was. Nonetheless I told her that's what it looks like and she drunk it when she did I could have sworn she got stars in her eyes.

"Oh wow, it does taste like chocolate."- Yoshino

"Yep I told you so."- (y/n)

"Hey fire boy what'ch ya makin over there?"- Yoshinon

"Fire boy?... And I'm making an Italian dish called Spaghetti Carbonara with Prawns."- (y/n)

"I've never had that before."- Yoshino

"Or heard of it."- Yoshinon

"Well tell you what. How about you help me cook it?"- (y/n)

"Really!? I can help!?"- Yoshino

"Yeah, you should never cook unsupervised but, seeing as I'm old enough to cook on my own I can watch you and make sure nothing bad happens."- (y/n)

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