Alternate Ending| Purple Colors Are Berry Classical

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Here, have this alternate timeline instead of a chapter cause Imma lazy fuck.

If the writing style is a bit off on the other parts it's because, this is a roleplay between me and my girlfriend, Honkies . I was Sans while she was Blue.

Note: I recommend all of you to read all of it including the long ass paragraphs for they explain the situation of this au, or else you all will be left confused, capiche?


The excitement of knowing that you will be having a child is an impeccable feeling, if only the situation was more -for the lack of a better word- uncomplicated.

Sanses throughout the multiverse will by all means keep a promise as they can never break it but of course they hate making them at all. Blue was still a sans, no matter what the others say about him, and dear stars, how he solemnly hates making promises.

There had been an.... incident -more like a drunken threesome- between Blue, his boyfriend and their best friend, Sans. Speaking of which, Sans has always been an important part of Blue's life, ever since he had met the small lazy skeleton they got along quite well, he was the one person that Blue knows himself is someone he can never picture his life without with.

Blue blush slightly at the thought as a soft smile works its way upon his lips. Pausing for a moment, he places a hand over his mouth as he awkwardly coughs from how he was feeling at that thought.

Anyways, after said incident. Sans had told him -only him- about the little accidents that had occurred after that night. Upon hearing the news, Blue was shock ad bewildered, but of course in a sense, happy. Just happy at the thought that he will be having children.

Though here is the tricky part, Sans had made him promised to not mention anything to Red -not that Blue thought it was an irrational decision, after all the red clad skeleton can be pretty tricky- he reluctantly agreed to the arrangement. Coincidentally the next week, Red has gotten some business trip he has to go to for 11 months making it so hiding it from him was easier.



When you spent so much time with someone so close to you and must stay beside them all the time.

You would've start to realize things.

...For the better or worse.

So here lies Blue upon his bed, the time was late really but the blue clad skeleton cant get himself to sleep as he was bothered by the thought if he loves Sans or not and the fact that maybe -just maybe- he might have not love Red anymore.

How did he ended up in a situation where it was 3 am in the morning with him sitting up on his bed as his laptop was upon his lap while getting advice from google?


Sans kissed him weeks ago.

Him, being the guy with high morals, of course pulled away and have to remind Sans that he was with Red.

But dear stars, he can never get himself to forget the feeling of the smaller's lips on his own.

Sighing, Blue rubs his temples as he had gotten not much information from google at all and not to mention the fact how his head was hurting from staying up so late.

The sound of his door slamming open made Blue turn his head to the sound only to see Sans by it with a big grin upon his face. "Blue! They're kicking!" Sans happily yelled. It was out of character for the small skeleton to be so energetic but given the situation, it was understandable.

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